HPC News Hollywood News Movies/Television Celebrity News

Tenant Spotlight: Baily/Thomas Casting

IMG_8658This month’s Tenant Spotlight feature is Baily/Thomas & Associates. This highly sought after casting agency have been long time tenants at our Gower location. You will find their casting prowess on Hulu’s critically acclaimed The Handmaid’s Tale, AMC’s Better Call Saul, AMC’s heavy hitter The Walking Dead and Fox’s hit show Gotham. Ariana caught up with co-founder Sharon Bialy on a warm Friday morning to talk about the agencies beginnings and everything in between.

  • Walking Dead Question: Which are you: a survivor or a walker? Survivor
  • You ladies receive all sorts of gifts, does that ever help with making or breaking a decision? We get really weirded out or uncomfortable when we get a gift from an actor we interview. It absolutely does not help, it might hurt because it’s not appropriate. But we are comfortable when an actor wants to say an extra special thank you, if it’s a huge role or if they know we went out of our way to help them.
  • Have you received anything that was strange? Oh yeah, we got a bloody bat in the mail when we were casting “Negan” for The Walking Dead we were at Sony at the time and Sony took that very seriously. They called the police and it was pretty scary.
  • In the lobby we get a lot of actors who drop off their headshots and resumes for you two. Do you ladies every look at those? And have you ever cast someone who’s dropped those off? I look at every piece of mail that comes in and I appreciate when they drop them at the front with you ladies ::chuckles::

But yes we have cast from drop offs, more than once.

  • Do you accept actors that don’t have proper representation? What could or should an actor do to get through to you two. We’ve hired actors that don’t have agents but if they want to get through, they should be in a play or be in a web series. The reality is there are thousands of actors so you can’t focus on getting into our office. They should stop worrying about that and go out and start doing work – we read the trades, we read the reviews on plays. We’ll find you.
  • Is there a movie that inspired you to be a casting director growing up? I have a lot of movies that I loved growing up and they’re so diverse. From Revenge of The Nerds to James Bond movies to Gone With The Wind. When I was young it was Gone with The Wind. When I was an adult already casting, it was Shawshank Redemption, that was a perfect film.
  • How did you meet Sherry Thomas? Sherry and I met through Debi Manwiller  – a former partner and still a best friend. I was looking for an associate after I was on my own for about six months. I called Debi to see if you she knew of anyone because I had a big job and needed an associate. She recommended Sherry Thomas who had worked with her on 24. We met at a Starbucks and I had four people lined up to meet with and she was the first one and I canceled the others. I was like, ‘That’s it, we’re on!’
  • You have two have worked together for over 16 years. The first two – three years she was my associate and then I made her partner.
  • Why do you think you two work so well together, what clicks with you guys? Complete and utter respect and trust in each other. No competition ever.
  • What are some of the ways studios and showrunners, convey what they’re looking for? At beginning of a project we’ll get on a concept call, and really discuss the character with the creator. Sometimes with the studio or network people involved but usually with the creator of the project because it’s their vision that we’re serving. That’s where it starts – sometimes they will mention an actor that they have in mind. But really, we don’t like to work that way. It’s more so, what are the qualities they’re looking for in a character, so that you we a complete blank slate to really use the casting process the way it should be used –  to really find something exciting.
  • Do you have a database you use? Yes we have a database, we have these books ::points to a wall of five tiered bookcases packed with big binders with shows labeled on the spines::  that I’ve been compiling since I’ve started, with notes on all the actors we’ve ever seen. We use a service called Breakdown Services, where we send out to all the agents and managers and we get ideas and we go through them all.
  • Some actors on your shows, I don’t see or hear of them coming in, do you interview remotely? Well some people self-tape because they’re not in LA, so we’ll get their tape and Skype with them. If it’s a big role, we’ll have to do a test at the studio. It also may be someone that we’re offering to, or maybe for example- Elizabeth Moss came on The Handmaid’s Tale before we did.
  • I’ve spoken to some of the parents that come in for casting for other agencies in the building and they’ve expressed that their kids may or may not get cast based off their social media following. Does Bialy Thomas practice this? It’s definitely very common, but we do not do that at all. Someone’s social media following is not a factor in our casting decisions.
  • You don’t have to tell me who it was obviously… But what was the most horrific casting session you’ve ever had? I’ve had a knife pulled on me once. We were in session and this actress had a knife and got really close to me. This was for a feature, so the next actor, I asked if they had a knife or gun and I said OK you need to go put that back in your car! That was the most horrific.
  • The Handmaid’s Tale has been nominated for 13 Emmy’s. Congratulations! How did you two find out about the nominations? I was at home and Sherry text Russell and I. She told us and I couldn’t find it, so I think Russell text her back asking “Are you sure??”::laughing:: But yes, Sherry told us the great news.
  • Is there a show on air right now that you watch and think I could have done that better? Not better, but more of, I wish I could have cast that, it’s more out of respect. The Night Manager was so well cast and I’m like, damn I would have loved that job!
  • Where do you see Bialy Thomas & Associates in the next 3 years? I think I can speak for Sherry and myself. We’d like to continue to do work that we really believe in and we’re really passionate about- like The Handmaid’s Tale, The Last Tycoon, Barry, or Alan Ball’s Here, Now. When the work really resonates with us, we do better work. We want to work with the people that respect what we do and keep our incredible staff in this beautif
HPC News Glendale News Celebrity News

Tenant Spotlight: JIG Reel Studios

jigreelJIG Reel Studios is owned by Justin Galindo who was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. Having a strong aspiration to start his own business he decided to leave Ohio and make his way to Los Angeles. From there, through hard work and determination he started what is now JIG Reel Studios. The company is known for creating actor demo reels, but is also a full-time production company that creates music videos, commercials, shorts, web series, and new features.  For more information  head to:

If there is one person to thank for your success who would it be and why?

There isn’t just one person to thank. Every  person that has worked in this company has helped it to become what it is today. We have all grown together and we are still growing.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

That we get the chance to create NEW projects with our clients. We help to make their visions, a reality. Plus, it is gratifying to see even our own crews dreams and projects come to life.


Who are your biggest influences?

Mark Walhberg. Mainly because of how focused he is about business.

Do you have any New Year’s Resolutions?

To expand and become bigger and better than 2015. We also want to finish our feature film that we have been working on for over a year. We’re super excited about this project and can’t wait to get it in Sundance. Crossing fingers. 🙂

What was your favorite part of 2015?

That the company has grown so much and created a really strong team. The coolest part was meeting ROB FREAKING DYRDEK. Growing up and watching him on TV to actually meeting him in person was awesome. I’m a huge fan!

2015 seemed to be a good year for you business wise, is there anything new in store for 2016? 

We have a new feature coming out and we hope to collaborate with some new people.

What’s in the future for JIG Reel Studios?

We are going to be working with Disney on some new projects. Be on the look out!



Hollywood News Movies/Television Celebrity News

Emmys 2015

This year’s Emmy award show was hosted by Andy Samberg and there was a lot of wins and shockers during the night!
Transparent! Director Jill Soloway took the time during her acceptance speech for Outstanding Directing in a Comedy Series to bring awareness to the fact that in 32 states, trans-people still face legal discrimination when doing something as simple as renting an apartment. “We don’t have a trans-tipping point yet—we have a trans equality problem,” Soloway said.

There were also two more hot headlining wins that night. First came to Jon Hamm. After 16 nominations and seven seasons of Mad Men, Jon Hamm finally received his Emmy—and to a standing ovation, no less. “It’s incredible and impossible for me personally to be standing here,” he said in his speech.

Then came the powerful win of Viola Davis for Best Actress! As the first African American actress to win an Emmy in the drama category, she started off by quoting Harriet Tubman: “In my mind I see a line. And over that line I see green fields, and lovely flowers, and beautiful white women with their arms stretched out to me…but I can’t seem to get over there no how. I can’t seem to get over that line.”
Davis continued: “The only thing that separates women of color from anyone else is opportunity. You cannot win an Emmy for roles that simply are not there. So here’s to all the writers, the awesome people…Thank you for taking us over that line.”

Read more at:

Hollywood News Movies/Television Celebrity News

Ghostbusters returning with a female cast!

Ghostbusters third installment is finally in the works but it is coming back with a twist. Katie Dippold, who wrote Paul Feig’s comedy The Heat, is reteaming with the director for Sony’s new Ghostbusters movie.

It has been an anticipated production for the third installment of the movie, which Dippold is said to co-write with Feig.

After years of development as a sequel with the intent to bring back the original team (Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray, Harold Ramis), script setbacks eventually led a path to focus on a new generation with younger comic actors.

Feig came on board to take on the project in August after Ramis had died earlier this year and the original director pulled out of the movie. But he came with a new perspective and direction for the movie: the Ghostbusters would now be a female team and it would no longer be connected to the earlier movies but an entirely different series.

Feig is already known for his female comic movies: he directed Bridesmaids (which gave Kristen Wigg and Melissa McCarthy career breakouts), and The Heat, which starred McCarthy and Sandra Bullock.

We can’t wait to see how the new reboot of the movie turns out!

Read more at:

HPC News Glendale News

Tenant Spotlight with Christopher Montgomery

We chatted with Chris Montgomery of Prodigy Talent at HPC in Glendale.
We chatted with Chris Montgomery of Prodigy Talent at HPC in Glendale.

We had the opportunity to catch up with Christopher Montgomery of Prodigy Talent from our Hollywood Production Center location…

Chris Montgomery is the Managing Member at Prodigy Talent. Prodigy Talent is a full service talent agency representing actors in television, film and commercials. They additionally  represent producers and financers for independent feature films. Chris has been extremely proud of his clients’ work this year, with them appearing in several Super Bowl commercials, HBO’s True Blood and more.

Tell us about yourself.
I was raised in the metro area of Denver, Colorado. I graduated from the University of Colorado with a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and then did my graduate work there, as well getting my JD (law degree) from there as well.

How did you get started in the entertainment industry?
After having several years in the political arena serving in the US House, the US Senate, a Governor and in the White House I was given a great chance to work with my best friend open a production company in Las Vegas, Nevada.  Soon, I found myself missing campaigning. And, talent representation is the campaign that never ends.  Where they say “DC is Hollywood for Ugly People” (my previous career) I figured working in real Hollywood would be more for me. Plus, this is the campaign that never ends!

What is Prodigy Talent?
We are a full service talent agency representing actors in television, film and commercials. Additionally we represent producers and financers for independent feature films.

When did Prodigy Talent come about?
After owning Prodigy Pictures for a while in Las Vegas, I found myself missing the campaign trail. But, I knew returning to politics was just not for me. Working with great and talented people in the field of representation allowed me to work in a campaign that never ended!

Are there any cool projects your clients have starred in recently?
This year we have had a lot of actors in commercials for the Super Bowl, we had actors on True Blood, on a variety of television shows and in major advertiser spots. This has been a great year for us. We have been truly blessed in 2014.

What’s your favorite part about your job?
Building a strong solid relationship with my actors and seeing them grow, seeing them go from a struggling actor to a booking and working actor.

You have accomplished so much in your career, what makes you so driven to succeed?
For me, I think it was just always instinctual. I have always been driven. We built a production studio, and released a film, during the Great Recession.  We opened the agency just as the economic recovery began.  Succeeding became the only choice during the recession!

If there is one person to thank for your success who would it be and why?
I have to say that there are two (2). First of all, my dad has been incredibly helpful to this endeavor.  I am very grateful to him. Secondly, to my late Grandmother who just passed.  She was a major influence to this.

What’s in the future for Prodigy Talent?
We are continuing to focus on our core beliefs.  We fundamentally believe that we can all do more together than we can apart. The film making process is synergetic, it is a mutual aid society. It takes so many of us working to a common goal to succeed. We want to continue to focus on our actors, our producers, and our team to keep doing what we do well. We have been so blessed this year, we want to stay on that path of gratitude and never forgetting why we are all here.

When did Prodigy Talent move to Hollywood Production Center?
We first moved into HPC2 in 2012. We came here at the suggestion of one of the producers we represent.  We found it to be the perfect home for us because there is so much of a community here. From production to casting.  Agents cannot be based “on lot” but here we have the feeling we are. To know that some great TV shows, movies and projects are just  down the hall, or on another floor really gives us such an advantage and gives us such a sense of community I cannot honestly think of us being anywhere else.


Thanks for taking the time out of your busy day to interview with us, Chris!

Hollywood News Movies/Television Celebrity News

Charlie Cox in CBS’ Wall Street Pilot

Charlie Cox will be starring in CBS' new untitled pilot.
Boardwalk Empire’s Charlie Cox will be starring in CBS’ new untitled pilot.

Charlie Cox will be taking the lead role in CBS’ upcoming untitled television show. The Boardwalk Empire alum will be returning to CBS in a pilot described as a “Wall Street drama” from executive producer John Cusack. The drama will take place in the world of Wall Street, which includes money and power. Cox will be starring as Jackson, an inherently good Wall Street hedge fund trader who has returned from service in Iraq. The story was written by Justified writers Taylor Elmore and Ben Cavell, and was based on an idea created with the aid of Elmore, Cavell, Cusack and Kevin McCabe. The pilot will be executive produced by Justified’s Sarah Timberman and Carl Beverly.

Charlie Cox is no stranger to CBS as he starred in last season’s pilot The Ordained. Cox is also a veteran of HBO’s Boardwalk Empire, in which he starred in for two seasons. In addition, his long resume includes Stardust, Moby Dick and Hello Carter.

CBS has a great lineup of drama pilots for this new season. We can expect Extant and Battle Creek, which have both already received direct to series orders for this summer. Other dramas include Madame Secretary, Scorpion, and CSI and NCIS spinoffs.

See full story at The Hollywood Reporter.

Movies/Television Celebrity News

Jessica Lange joins Paramount’s ‘The Gambler’

Jessica Lange will be playing Mark Wahlberg's mother in 'The Gambler'
Jessica Lange will be playing Mark Wahlberg’s mother in ‘The Gambler’

Jessica Lange will be getting risky on a new film, The Gambler. Paramount is remaking the 1974 film about a college professor whose gambling addiction takes over his life, even after he starts running with a questionable crowd. Mark Wahlberg is attached to play the professor, and Lange will be filling the role of his mother. James Toback wrote the original script that Lauren Hutton and Paul Sorvino co-starred in for the 1974 version.

This project comes as Jessica Lange recently received nominations from both the Golden Globes and SAG Awards for her role on the recent season of American Horror Story: Coven. She has received awards in the past from the Emmys, Golden Globes and SAG, all for FX’s hit television series. American Horror Story is currently in the midst of airing its third season, and has already announced a renewal for a fourth season for 2014.

The movie will be directed by Rupert Wyatt off of a script by William Monahan. Brie Lawson is also attached to appear in the film.

View full story at Deadline.

Hollywood News Movies/Television

AFI names 10 best movies, TV shows of 2013

'The Good Wife' is one of ten television shows picked for the AFI Award.
‘The Good Wife’ is one of ten television shows picked this year for an AFI Award.

With December quickly coming to an end, The American Film Institute has announced its pick of top 10 films and 10 television shows of 2013. AFI reveals its nominees each year of movies and shows that “best advance the art of the moving image, enhance the rich cultural heritage of America’s art form, inspire audiences and artists alike and/or make a mark on American society.” The American Film Institute presents the AFI Awards each year, which are carefully selected by a jury of AFI members, scholars, film and television artists, critics and AFI Trustees.

Below are this year’s top picks (in alphabetical order):

1. American Hustle
2. Captain Phillips
3. Fruitvale Station
4. Gravity
5. Her
6. Inside Llewyn Davis
7. Nebraska
8. Saving Mr. Banks
9. 12 Years a Slave
10. The Wolf of Wall Street

1. The Americans
2. Breaking Bad
3. Game of Thrones
4. The Good Wife
5. House of Cards
6. Mad Men
7. Masters of Sex
8. Orange is the New Black
9. Scandal
10. Veep

AFI aims to appreciate the community of talented storytellers by awarding them this honor. Last year, eight of the overall nine best picture Oscar nominees made AFI’s list.

View full story at The Hollywood Reporter.

Movies/Television HPC News Hollywood News

HPC Welcomes After Dark Films

After Dark Films has moved into HPC to work on their latest project, 'Re-Kill.'
After Dark Films has moved into HPC to work on their latest project, ‘Re-Kill.’

HPC News – A new tenant has moved into Hollywood Production Center, and that is After Dark Films, a horror, original and action film production company and distributor founded by Courtney Solomon. The company is currently working on a horror film called Re-Kill, which is a found-footage zombie film. The footage is of the brave men and women of R-division who must find and destroy zombies. It is five years after the initial Outbreak and just as they begin to think they are almost clear of the disease, they see signs of a second Outbreak. They begin to worry that humanity may not be able to survive a second round of this epidemic. The movie is said to be shot in a wartime documentary style, and is in the vein of 28 Days Later.

Re-Kill marks Valerie Milev’s directorial debut. The film was written by Michael Hurst, who is also credited for House of the Dead 2 and Pumpkinhead: Blood Feud.

After Dark Film’s Courtney Solomon current work includes directing the 2013 film Getaway, starring Ethan Hawke, Selena Gomez and Jon Voight. Re-Kill will be a collaborative effort between After Dark Films and Valerie Milev. The project was put on pause during post-production as the teams worked on different projects, but they are expecting a theatrical release early in 2014.

View full story at


You Can Now Watch TV on Twitter

Twitter's CEO Dick Costolo is in talks with NBCU and Comcast for the new "See It" feature.
Twitter’s CEO Dick Costolo is in talks with NBCU and Comcast for the new “See It” feature.

NBCUniversal announced last month that they have partnered with Twitter to bring television to the booming social media platform. Expected to begin this month, Comcast engineers created a new feature that will be available to millions of Xfinity customers called “See It.” Twitter users will be able to access TV shows, movies, and sports directly from a tweet, which will give them the option to “See It.” In addition, customers can set their DVR or even buy theater tickets through Fandango. The technology will cover the various NBCU networks including NBC, CNBC, USA, Syfy, Bravo, Oxygen and E!.

This partnership comes amid Twitter’s move towards being the social media platform for television. Twitter compliments the live viewing experience, which has lured Comcast into drawing up a deal. Comcast wants “See It” to be an instant online remote control, which they hope will get the audience even more engaged with what they are watching.

This partnership also brings to light a new forum for advertising. They are hoping that NBCU’s advertising clients will see the benefit of “See It” and lead them to expand their TV and digital sponsorships to Twitter. Comcast and Twitter are already in talks with distribution partners and television networks to use this “See It” feature to promote their content.

Glendale News Movies/Television Celebrity News HPC News

The Horror Continues with ‘Incarnate’

Aaron Eckhart is attached to star as the exorcist in Jason Blum's latest horror film, 'Incarnate.'
Aaron Eckhart is attached to star as the exorcist in Jason Blum’s latest horror film, ‘Incarnate.’

HPC News – HPC is happy to once again welcome a fantastic upcoming film to its offices. Blumhouse Productions is preparing for the next big horror film, Incarnate. Incarnate will revolve around an unconventional exorcist who can tap into the subconscious of the possessed until he meets his match, a 9-year old boy possessed by a demon from his past. Aaron Eckhart is attached to star as the exorcist and Catalina Sandino Moreno was recently added to the project to star alongside him.

The film comes on the heels of Blumhouse’s Jason Blum’s latest successful horror project, Insidious: Chapter 2. Jason Blum, founder of Blumhouse Productions, has a long resume that includes Paranormal Activity, The Purge and Sinister among others. The company is known for its low-budget, high earning horror genre films that have received huge acclaim in the past couple of years. Jason Blum will act as producer and Brad Peyton will take the role of director on the script written by Ronnie Christensen. Production is set to start this month.

Hollywood News Movies/Television

The Bear is Back for ‘Ted 2’

Ted 2 is set to be released June 26, 2015. Mark Wahlberg and Seth MacFarlane will be returning as the cast.
Ted 2 is set to be released June 26, 2015. Mark Wahlberg and Seth MacFarlane will be returning as the cast.

The vulgar yet lovable teddy bear is back for Ted 2. The comedy sequel is set to be released on June 26, 2015 with Seth MacFarlane returning to co-write, direct and co-star as the bear’s voice. Ted 2 is set to be released by Universal and Media Rights Capital, and Mark Wahlberg is expected to return as the bear’s childhood owner.

Ted was released in the summer of 2012 and grossed $54.4 million its opening weekend and has since grossed over $218 million domestically as of October 2013. The movie went on to become the 12th-highest-grossing film of the year and the highest-grossing original R-rated comedy of all time. The movie starred Mark Wahlberg across from Mila Kunis and Seth MacFarlane. The movie guest starred Nora Jones and Sam J. Jones as Flash Gordon.

Hollywood News Movies/Television

Syfy Follows Up with ‘Avalanche Sharks’

Syfy released the trailer to their newest shark film 'Avalanche Sharks.'
Syfy released the trailer to their newest shark film ‘Avalanche Sharks.’

We all remember when Sharknado came out this summer and all of the social media buzz it created, and Syfy has decided to take advantage of it. Syfy recently released the trailer of their latest shark-based horror film, Avalanche Sharks. This time around, the setting for the freak-shark attacks is the snow covered mountains of a small mountain town during spring break. Spring breakers come to the mountain for drunken debauchery, that is until an avalanche awakens a large prehistoric Snow Shark that starts to terrorize the mountain.

Syfy hasn’t announced a release date for Avalanche Sharks yet, but we can expect it to be soon while the shark-craze is still going. The new movie is directed by Scott Wheeler and produced by Odyssey Media and Pulser Productions.

Check out the ‘Avalanche Sharks’ trailer here.

Movies/Television Hollywood News

Cruella de Vil is Back

Aline Brosh McKenna will writing the script for one of Disney's newest movies 'Cruella.'
Aline Brosh McKenna will writing the script for one of Disney’s newest movies ‘Cruella.’

Cruella de Vil was made famous as the dog-fur-loving villain in the 1961 animated film 101 Dalmations and she is coming back for her very own movie. The new Disney movie Cruella will be centered around Cruella de Vil and her villainous tendencies. The news comes after the studio made Maleficent, set to release in 2014, which is based on the infamous Sleeping Beauty villain, Maleficent. Cruella will be one of Disney’s latest live-action take on one of its classic animated films. Along with Maleficent and Alice, Disney will also be remaking Cinderella, which just went into principal photography.

Aline Brosh McKenna, the writer for Cinderella has been selected to write and produce this new movie. Disney realized that no one knows Cruella de Vil better than Glenn Close who played the character in 1996 film – and returned again in 2000 for the sequel – so she will be act as executive producer for this film. McKenna may be best known for her adaption of The Devil Wears Prada. The writer just finished up the script for Annie, which she is currently casting for.

Movies/Television Hollywood News

A Look Back at Buster Keaton

Arguably one of the best films made, Buster Keaton left a lasting legacy with his acting in 'The General'
Arguably one of the best films made, Buster Keaton left a lasting legacy with his acting in ‘The General’

A look back at…

Today we’re taking a look back at Buster Keaton, a revolutionary in the film and television business. Born Joseph Frank “Buster” Keaton, Buster was known as a comic actor, filmmaker, producer and writer. He is still known best for his silent films, in which his trademark was physical comedy with a stoic, deadpan expression that got him the nickname The Great Stone Face.

The Saphead was released in 1920, which was Buster’s first starring role in a full-length feature. After much success in comedy, his partner gave him his own production unit, and it wasn’t long until he was making his own full-length films. The General (1926) is considered today one of his greatest works as an actor, although at the time the movie did poorly in the box office and was harshly reviewed by critics.

Buster’s legacy lives on, proof being his two stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Hollywood Boulevard. He received one star for his motion pictures and the other for television. In 2012, The Ultimate Buster Keaton Collection was released, which included 14-disk set of Keaton’s best work, including eleven of his feature films, among other things. Buster Keaton left a mark on the film industry, and his human acrobatics and larger than life choreography will continue to live on.

Hollywood News Movies/Television Celebrity News HPC News

The Emmy’s are Here at Last

The Emmy's will air on Sunday, September 22 at 8pm. Neil Patrick Harris is set to host.
The Emmy’s will air on Sunday, September 22 at 8pm. Neil Patrick Harris is set to host. Tina Fey and Allison Williams (pictures above) both received nominations.

Hollywood – The much awaited event of the season, the Emmy’s, will take place on Sunday, September 22 at 8pm. This year will mark the 65th year for the Emmy’s, and with host Neil Patrick Harris they have not missed a beat. The multi-Grammy Award winner Elton John who earlier this week performed at the University of Southern California (USC) will be performing on the Primetime Emmy Awards stage.

The Hollywood Reporter has kicked off Emmy festivities with its Nominees Night on Thursday, September 19 at the Garden Terrace of Soho House in West Hollywood. Showrunners, actors and executives alike joined to celebrate the imminent event with both excitement and anxiousness. Tina Fey, Aaron Sorkin, Vince Gilligan and Matthew Weiner were among the talent there.

The categories span across various genres, comedy, drama, miniseries/movie, variety/music and reality, and within each genre there are three to nine categories. There has been a lot of talk surrounding these nominations and who deserves to win, but it will not be decided until Sunday. Front runners with various nominations in multiple categories is Homeland, Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Downton Abbey and House of Cards to name just a few.

Hollywood News Movies/Television

Celebrating 75 Years with “The Wizard of Oz”

"The Wizard of Oz" celebrated its 75 year anniversary at the Chinese Theater in Hollywood.
“The Wizard of Oz” celebrated its 75 year anniversary at the Chinese Theater in Hollywood.

Dorothy and Toto have been an icon to American culture, and this weekend The Wizard of Oz celebrated its 75 year anniversary. This Sunday, Warner Bros. held a special screening of the movie at the grand reopening of the Chinese Theater in Hollywood. The film first premiered at the Chinese Theater in 1939, so its return there was a historical moment. Warner Bros. converted the adjacent theater lobby, Chinese 6, into Emerald City with a crystal green theme and various movie related stations, such as Oz-themed video games, a lion-sized cupcake station and a life-size wax figure of Judy Garland as Dorothy. Warner Bros. also launched earlier this summer a $25 million campaign that included a McDonald’s Happy Meal collection, an Imax release and various consumer products.

The event would not be complete without a special guest appearance from an original cast member, Ruth Duccini who played one of the Munchkins. Ruth is one of only two surviving Munchkin actors, which she played when she was only 20 years old.

The Chinese Theater closed its doors earlier this summer as it underwent a renovation project. The theater is now home to the largest Imax auditorium in the world, adding a great asset to a theater already renowned for all of the Hollywood movie premieres that take place there.

Movies/Television HPC News Celebrity News

“Welcome to Me” is a Hit at TIFF

"Welcome to Me" screened this week at the Toronto International Film Festival and has been picked up by D Films.
“Welcome to Me” screened this week at the Toronto International Film Festival and has been picked up by D Films.

Hollywood Production Center has recently been home to the production studio working on the much awaited film Welcome to Me starring Kristen Wiig and Will Ferrell. The movie was screened at the Toronto International Film Festival that kicked off earlier last week. The 11-day-long festival has screened various movies full of potential, and Welcome to Me is no exception. D Films has acquired the Canadian distribution rights to Welcome to Me soon after its screening at the Toronto International Film Festival.

The dramatic comedy examines society’s obsession with fame through Kristen Wiig’s character who has a dissociative personality disorder, and soon after winning the lottery she spends all her money on a talk show about herself. The cast also includes Will Ferrell, Linda Cardellini, Tim Robbins and Joan Cusack.

The movie is produced by Gary Sanchez Productions, for who Will Ferrell is a producer for on this project as well. Shira Piven directed the film that was based on Eliot Laurence’s screenplay. The film has no set release date in Canada or the United States.

Read more here:



Two Sides to Every Story at the Toronto Film Festival

The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby received renowned acclaim at the Toronto Film Festival.
The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby received renowned acclaim at the Toronto Film Festival.

Ned Benson created a film that many have not experienced before. Benson’s The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby premiered at the Toronto Film Festival on Monday, but it captivated audiences not only because of the story line. Benson’s 3-hour-long film plays out two side of the same story, but the interesting part is that it is two entirely different movies. The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby is composed into two parts, Him and Her. The story is based on a young couple as they fall in love, and one movie is the man’s experience as their relationship falls apart, and the other film is the woman’s personal experience of it all. The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby addresses the concept that there are two sides to every story, and this film allows the film-goer to realize how different the story becomes when there are conflicting perceptions and memories.

While the idea is innovative and the attendees of the Toronto Film Festival gave high reviews of the film, the interesting point will be whether distributors will take a risk with such a different film. They are now gambling whether a film-goer will take the time to watch a three hour film, one right after the other based on the same story. It is an intriguing concept that would be a huge risk, which might be worth it because the differences in perceptions of each characters’ memories makes for an enthralling storyline. Only time will tell if the The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Him and Her will make it out a winner at the Toronto Film Festival.

James McAvoy and Jessica Chastain play the couple in love in the movie.

Celebrity News Hollywood News Movies/Television

Sharknado to Hit LA Again


Horrible Movie Night will be showing Sharknado at the something Showroom in Hollywood on Saturday, September 14.
Horrible Movie Night will be showing Sharknado at the NerdMelt Showroom in Hollywood on Saturday, September 14.

In case you lived under a rock this summer, Syfy released a made-for-television movie called Sharknado in early July. While it was unanimously agreed upon that the movie was the furthest from an Oscar nomination, it completely took Twitter by storm. Social Media has a new place in our lives when the worst movie to be released this summer was the most talked about in social media. With just under 1.4 million viewers on its premiere, Sharknado was a hit on Twitter with just under half a million tweets with the hashtag ‘#Sharknado.’ With 5,000 tweets per minute at its peak, word spread fast about Sharknado, and those who didn’t know about the film were soon tuning in to see what all the commotion was about.

Horrible Movie Night has embraced this shark tornado that hits Los Angeles, and will be showing it at a DVD release party at the NerdMelt Showroom in Hollywood on Saturday, September 14. Guest comedians will be the hosts for the night, and attendees will be visited by the cast and crew of Sharknado to answer all of your burning questions.

Horrible Movie Night screens the worst films made and invites the attendees to Roast them. Those with the best one-liners will even win prizes! Tickets are on sale online for $8, or are available at the door for $10. Please visit the website to learn more:

HPC News Movies/Television

The 5th Annual Burbank International Film Festival

The Burbank International Film Festival returns to Los Angeles from Wednesday, September 4 through Sunday, September 8.
The Burbank International Film Festival returns from Wednesday, September 4 through Sunday, September 8.

The Burbank International Film Festival is back in Burbank for its 5th year. The festival kicks off in downtown Burbank on Wednesday, September 4 and continues through Sunday, September 8. The first night’s festivities will take place at the Warner Bros. lot for Opening Night as they celebrate their 90th Anniversary. To commemorate 90 years of history, they will be screening their documentary film, The Brothers Warner.

The prestigious film festival represents talent from around the world as filmmakers present their work across various genres. The 5-day film festival will feature over 70 independent films, and will specially honor films with socially conscious themes. The festival has received over 600 film submissions in the past and the 15-person jury panel goes through each one carefully. In addition to exciting events and panels, the Burbank International Film Festival has set itself apart by offering film distribution seminars to help filmmakers gain a profit from all of their hard work.  The festival will conclude with a Closing Night Awards Gala where they will acknowledge the award-winning filmmakers, as well as honor the industry icons and professionals that have shaped and defined the world of cinema today.

For more information about the event schedules and buying tickets, please visit their website at

Hollywood News Movies/Television

HollyShorts Film Festival

The HollyShorts Film Festival is takiing place this year August 15-22 at the Chinese Theater and Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood.
The HollyShorts Film Festival is taking place August 15-22 at the Chinese Theater and Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood.

Hollywood – The HollyShorts Film Festival is back in Hollywood for its 9th year! The prestigious film festival represents talent from around the world as they present their short films to a vast audience. The festival showcases the top short films produced 30-minutes or less. The festivities started last Thursday, August 15 and will continue through Thursday, August 22. Activities for the week include screenings, networking events, talent/literary panels and various forums, and will take place at the TCL Chinese Theater and Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood.

One of this year’s projected festival favorites is La Petite Mort, directed by Alex Prager. The short, screened on the opening night, focuses on a woman that experiences the boundaries of her body as she contemplates life, death and love. Another film receiving a lot of audience buzz this year is The Sidekick, directed by Michael J. Weithorn. The short is a comedic take on the ever-popular superhero genre, while touching on the idea of our need to find our purpose in life. This film screened on opening night.

The festival is proud to be presenting over 350 films this year over the course of 8 days, comprised of comedy, animation, sci-fi, horror, music videos and web series. Find out more about the HollyShorts Film Festival online:

Hollywood News Movies/Television

The Toys Return for an Adventure

The Toy Story characters are back for ABC's 30-minute special of Toy Story of Terror in October.
The Toy Story characters are back for ABC’s 30-minute special of Toy Story of Terror in October.

ABC revealed last week that they will be airing Disney-Pixar’s first special-for-television, Toy Story of Terror! on October 16. Tom Hanks and Tim Allen will be back in their roles of Woody and Buzz on the half-hour special of a spooky adventure just in time for Halloween. The spooky new tale of our favorite characters from the Toy Story movies will also be joined by the rest of the gang, including Jessie, Combat Carl, Mr. Pricklepants, Mr. Potato Head, Rex and Trixie.

The toys go on a fun road trip that soon takes a turn for the worst when they get detoured to a roadside motel. Once one of the toys goes missing, a series of mysterious events ensue and they must work together to avoid the same terrible fate in the Toy Story of Terror!

While Pixar has not denied a fourth installment of the Toy Story franchise, the talks of another movie is still a rumor. One confirmed Pixar movie is Finding Dory, the sequel to Finding Nemo that is set to release in 2015. Ellen DeGeneres will be returning for the voice of Dory.

Music/Concerts Hollywood News Movies/Television

CityWalk’s 20th Birthday Bash

CityWalk celebrates its birthday in true Hollywood fashion with events going on all summer.
CityWalk celebrates its birthday in true Hollywood fashion with events going on all summer.

Universal CityWalk is turning 20 and bringing it in with a bang. In true Hollywood fashion, CityWalk will be throwing a huge Birthday Bash that lasts all summer. CityWalk will be providing free live music all summer long at the 5 Towers through September 2nd. They are also offering $2 parking when you go to the nearby AMC to watch a movie, and with so many great summer blockbuster hits this is hard to resist.

The first summer concert kicked off on Saturday, June 29 and featured The Ready Set and Kelsi Luck. This Saturday, August 3, Hollywood is in for a treat with Chris Rene, and on Sunday, August 4 the long list of performers includes Angel & Khriz, Sensato, Henry Santos and Maffio. Saturday concerts start at 7PM and go until 10PM, while Sunday concerts can be enjoyed from 6PM to 9PM. The final performance will take place on Labor Day, Monday, September 2nd and will feature The Summer Set and Echosmith.

For $2 summer movie parking, pay for general parking at the CityWalk toll booth, then present your parking stub at the AMC box office to receive your rebate on parking. This offer expires September 2nd. August’s movie releases include 2 Guns, Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters, Kick Ass 2 and One Direction: This is Us.

City Walk is located at Universal Studios Hollywood at 100 Universal City Plaza, Universal City, CA 91608. For more information, please visit

Movies/Television Hollywood News

Cinespia Continues Strong in Hollywood

Cinespia's screening take place every Saturday during the summer at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery.
Cinespia hosts screenings every Saturday over the summer at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery.

Hollywood – Visit the Hollywood Forever Cemetery and you will see 62 acres of famous men and women of the entertainment industry laid to rest, but it is also home to Hollywood’s cemetery summer movie screenings, Cinespia. Screenings are held on Fairbank’s Lawn, a grassy field within the cemetery that allows movie goes to enjoy the summer night sky while watching a classic movie. Every Saturday throughout the summer, Cinespia puts up a screen in the cemetery to show a film at night with live musical entertainment to kick it off as patrons set up their blankets and seating in the grassy lawn. Both hardcore and amateur movie goers alike can enjoy this night of relaxation, and take a moment to bond with fellow Angelinos in the great outdoors of Southern California.

Classic movies in this summer’s lineup include “Pulp Fiction,” “Princess Bride” and “Scream” to name a few. Organizers suggest bringing snacks, wine and beer to enjoy throughout the night, as well as coming early to save a spot. These nights have grown in popularity as more Angelinos want to embrace the beautiful city they live in and enjoy everything it has to offer. In 2008, “Los Angeles” magazine named Cinespia on the “16 Best Things about L.A.” list.  

Cinespia’s movie screenings first started in 2002 with the showing of Alfred Hitchcock’s “Strangers on a Train.” They showed 4 films that first summer and have since grown their number to 25 movie screenings each season. To learn more about Cinespia and see the full list of movies that will be screening this summer, please visit Hollywood Forever Cemetery can’t wait to welcome you!

Glendale News Movies/Television

DreamWorks Animation Now Producing for Television

A scene from DreamWorks Animation TV show, "Dragons: Riders of Berk."
A scene from DreamWorks Animation’s TV show, “Dragons: Riders of Berk.”

Glendale – Glendale is home to DreamWorks Animation SKG. Up until now, DreamWorks Animation has focused primarily on making animated movies, but this week they have become a multifaceted media company. They signed deals this week with Netflix and a German leading children’s television channel to produce animated television shows for them. With the decline in DVD sales everywhere, DreamWorks has decided to expand their horizons in order to not have to rely solely on box office revenues from their animated features.  

The Glendale company will be creating over 300 hours of programming for Netflix. DreamWorks Animation has already produced several animated television shows based on their character from previous films, such as “Dragons: Riders of Berk,” which airs on Cartoon Network and is based on the 2010 movie, “How to Train Your Dragon.” By creating animated programming for Germany’s children’s channel, they are also guaranteeing that their franchises will continue to grow and be enjoyed by children all over the world.

DreamWorks Animation’s first animated film was “Antz” and was released in 1998. To date they have released 26 movies, and they have all been very successful. Most notably, “Shrek,” “Madagascar,” and “How to Train Your Dragon” have been the most successful, as well as their sequels. DreamWorks Animation is preparing for their next premiere, which will take place next month for “Turbo.” This movie will tell the story of an ordinary garden snail whose dream is to become the fastest snail in the world. “Turbo” is scheduled to be released on July 17th.

DreamWorks Animation was spun-off from DreamWorks Studios in 2004 and is headed by one of the original founders, Jeffrey Katzenberg.

Glendale News Movies/Television HPC News

IDA, Inc. to Animate New Feature Film

'Tailchaser's Song' will begin production later this year.
‘Tailchaser’s Song’ will begin production later this year.

Glendale Tenant News – Hollywood Production Center is proud to announce that their very own IDA, Inc. will be working on the new animated feature film, ‘Tailchaser’s Song.’

IDA, Animetropolis and EFG-Renascence recently announced at the Cannes Film Festival that they will be teaming up to animate the feature film, ‘Tailchaser’s Song.’ The stereoscopic 3D CG-animated family film will begin production later this year. The director of ‘Rise of the Guardians’ (2012), Peter Ramsey, will be joining the team as Executive Producer, along with the author of this fantasy-adventure novel, Tad Williams, as Co-Executive Producer.

‘Tailchaser’s Song’ is an adaptation of Tad Williams’ acclaimed bestselling novel of the same name. ‘Tailchaser’s Song’ was the first novel this fantasy and science-fiction author had written, first published in 1985. This story follows the adventures of a tom cat, Fritti Tailchaser, as he journeys to find his missing friend. Williams’ ‘Otherland’ series was optioned by Warner Brothers last year.

IDA, Inc. has offices in Los Angeles and Japan. They were the first Japanese studio to be nominated for a Visual Effects Society Award for animation.

Congratulations again!

Movies/Television Hollywood News

The Monsters Take over Hollywood

Monsters University hits theaters on June 21st.
Monsters University hits theaters on June 21st.

The Monsters are back after 12 years, and they are coming back with a bang. The ‘Monsters University’ premiere took place Monday night in Hollywood at the El Capitan Theater. Before the screening, there was a monstrous college tailgate that included the Monsters U marching band and cheerleaders. The blue carpet was filled with monsters, along with attendees that all wore the Monsters U royal blue school colors. Children and parents alike flooded the blue carpet to enjoy the newest edition of universities in Los Angeles.

‘Monsters University’ will come out in theaters Friday, June 21st, and it is a prequel to ‘Monsters, Inc,’ which was released in 2001. As a prequel, Mike Wazowski and James P. Sullivan, commonly referred to as Sully, are just starting out at college as they try to figure out what kind of ‘scarers’ they are going to be. By going back a couple of years, producers were able to add new lovable monsters to the storyline and explain how Sully and Mike came to be the monsters that we knew and loved in the original ‘Monsters, Inc.’

There has been a lot of marketing promotions around this movie as children and adults had the chance to make their own Monsters U student ID badges and we saw trailers for the movie that played out just like a college promotional commercial. There is a lot of fun and excitement surrounding this movie, and the next generation of children will be able to enjoy the monster gang as well.

Mike Wazowski is voiced by Billy Crystal, John Goodman is the voice of Sully, and Randy is played by Steve Buscemi. ‘Monsters University’ is produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. If you want to check out some of their fun interactive games, go to


‘The Purge’ Goes Beyond a Thriller

'The Purge' is out in theaters June 7th.
‘The Purge’ is out in theaters June 7th.

Written and directed by James DeMonaco, ‘The Purge’ is a speculative thriller that takes place in a future America where one night a year people are allowed to take part in any act of crime without punishment. In 2022, ‘The Purge’ America has been reborn with unemployment and crime rates at an all-time low. This can be attributed to the yearly Purge. In this 12-hour period, from 7:00 PM to 7:00AM all the law-abiding citizens can address their pent up anger and attack and kill anyone without consequence. A wealthy family readies themselves for yet another Purge, which they personally do not participate in, but regardless, hoards of murders come to their home ready to attack. DeMonaco’s film is overflowing with ideas about social class, race, and violence and he has found a horror/thriller story line in which to address them.

DeMonaco’s film was screened at the Stanley Film Festival this year, which showcases classic and contemporary independent horror cinema at the haunted Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado. While there is plenty of bloodshed and violence, the most disturbing part of the movie is the actual concept of this Purge. ‘The Purge’ has been criticized for not delving deep enough into America’s issues, but just touching on the ideas of aristocracy and race is enough to get the audience thinking. It is hard to ignore the idea that in this world America has saved itself from destruction by killing themselves off. The Purge allows them to kill anyone in general, but what what becomes a reality is that they are killing the people that are not contributing to the betterment of society; in essence, the poor and homeless.

This movie was released on June 7th and has made nearly $52 million to date domestically. ‘The Purge’ stars Ethan Hawke, Rhys Wakefield and Lena Headey. ‘The Purge’ received a B- from Entertainment Weekly’s ‘Movie Review’ and a 37% on Rotten Tomatoes’ ‘Tomatometer.’


The Much Awaited ‘Man of Steel’ Releases this Weekend

'Man of Steel' comes out in theaters Friday, June 14.
‘Man of Steel’ comes out in theaters Friday, June 14.

With “Iron Man 3” released last month, “The Wolverine” to be released next month, and “Thor: The Dark World” set to be released in November, 2013 is far from lacking in superhero movies. However, June came with anticipation and excitement as “Man of Steel” was debuted to the world today. “Man of Steel” had a limited release of midnight showings last night, for which they were able to collect $21 million. This surpasses “Iron Man 3,” which was released earlier this summer and was only able to bring in $15.6 million on its midnight opening. While the box-office is expecting “Man of Steel” to collect $85-100 million domestically, the distributors at Warner Brothers are staying conservative and projecting $80 million.

Directed by Zach Snyder and produced by Christopher Nolan, “Man of Steel” follows the life of Clark Kent in the original tale as he tries to hide his superpowers and live a regular everyday life. Here we see Clark Kent played by British actor Henry Cavil. Amy Adams stars as Lois Lane and Michael Shannon plays the role of the menacing General Zod.  

There is a lot of hype surrounding this superhero movie, especially after Christopher Nolan wrapped up the final movie in the Batman trilogy last year. Although this weekend is dead in terms of new releases, “Man of Steel” will have to compete with last weekend’s batch of releases such as “The Internship,” “The Purge,” and “This is the End.” Only time will tell whether this superhero will be able to fly away with this weekend’s box office.  

We last saw Zach Snyder directing “Sucker Punch” in 2011, and his counterpart, Christopher Nolan, was directing “The Dark Knight Rises” in 2012.