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“Welcome to Me” is a Hit at TIFF

"Welcome to Me" screened this week at the Toronto International Film Festival and has been picked up by D Films.
“Welcome to Me” screened this week at the Toronto International Film Festival and has been picked up by D Films.

Hollywood Production Center has recently been home to the production studio working on the much awaited film Welcome to Me starring Kristen Wiig and Will Ferrell. The movie was screened at the Toronto International Film Festival that kicked off earlier last week. The 11-day-long festival has screened various movies full of potential, and Welcome to Me is no exception. D Films has acquired the Canadian distribution rights to Welcome to Me soon after its screening at the Toronto International Film Festival.

The dramatic comedy examines society’s obsession with fame through Kristen Wiig’s character who has a dissociative personality disorder, and soon after winning the lottery she spends all her money on a talk show about herself. The cast also includes Will Ferrell, Linda Cardellini, Tim Robbins and Joan Cusack.

The movie is produced by Gary Sanchez Productions, for who Will Ferrell is a producer for on this project as well. Shira Piven directed the film that was based on Eliot Laurence’s screenplay. The film has no set release date in Canada or the United States.

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Two Sides to Every Story at the Toronto Film Festival

The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby received renowned acclaim at the Toronto Film Festival.
The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby received renowned acclaim at the Toronto Film Festival.

Ned Benson created a film that many have not experienced before. Benson’s The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby premiered at the Toronto Film Festival on Monday, but it captivated audiences not only because of the story line. Benson’s 3-hour-long film plays out two side of the same story, but the interesting part is that it is two entirely different movies. The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby is composed into two parts, Him and Her. The story is based on a young couple as they fall in love, and one movie is the man’s experience as their relationship falls apart, and the other film is the woman’s personal experience of it all. The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby addresses the concept that there are two sides to every story, and this film allows the film-goer to realize how different the story becomes when there are conflicting perceptions and memories.

While the idea is innovative and the attendees of the Toronto Film Festival gave high reviews of the film, the interesting point will be whether distributors will take a risk with such a different film. They are now gambling whether a film-goer will take the time to watch a three hour film, one right after the other based on the same story. It is an intriguing concept that would be a huge risk, which might be worth it because the differences in perceptions of each characters’ memories makes for an enthralling storyline. Only time will tell if the The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Him and Her will make it out a winner at the Toronto Film Festival.

James McAvoy and Jessica Chastain play the couple in love in the movie.