HPC News Hollywood News Movies/Television Celebrity News

Tenant Spotlight: Baily/Thomas Casting

IMG_8658This month’s Tenant Spotlight feature is Baily/Thomas & Associates. This highly sought after casting agency have been long time tenants at our Gower location. You will find their casting prowess on Hulu’s critically acclaimed The Handmaid’s Tale, AMC’s Better Call Saul, AMC’s heavy hitter The Walking Dead and Fox’s hit show Gotham. Ariana caught up with co-founder Sharon Bialy on a warm Friday morning to talk about the agencies beginnings and everything in between.

  • Walking Dead Question: Which are you: a survivor or a walker? Survivor
  • You ladies receive all sorts of gifts, does that ever help with making or breaking a decision? We get really weirded out or uncomfortable when we get a gift from an actor we interview. It absolutely does not help, it might hurt because it’s not appropriate. But we are comfortable when an actor wants to say an extra special thank you, if it’s a huge role or if they know we went out of our way to help them.
  • Have you received anything that was strange? Oh yeah, we got a bloody bat in the mail when we were casting “Negan” for The Walking Dead we were at Sony at the time and Sony took that very seriously. They called the police and it was pretty scary.
  • In the lobby we get a lot of actors who drop off their headshots and resumes for you two. Do you ladies every look at those? And have you ever cast someone who’s dropped those off? I look at every piece of mail that comes in and I appreciate when they drop them at the front with you ladies ::chuckles::

But yes we have cast from drop offs, more than once.

  • Do you accept actors that don’t have proper representation? What could or should an actor do to get through to you two. We’ve hired actors that don’t have agents but if they want to get through, they should be in a play or be in a web series. The reality is there are thousands of actors so you can’t focus on getting into our office. They should stop worrying about that and go out and start doing work – we read the trades, we read the reviews on plays. We’ll find you.
  • Is there a movie that inspired you to be a casting director growing up? I have a lot of movies that I loved growing up and they’re so diverse. From Revenge of The Nerds to James Bond movies to Gone With The Wind. When I was young it was Gone with The Wind. When I was an adult already casting, it was Shawshank Redemption, that was a perfect film.
  • How did you meet Sherry Thomas? Sherry and I met through Debi Manwiller  – a former partner and still a best friend. I was looking for an associate after I was on my own for about six months. I called Debi to see if you she knew of anyone because I had a big job and needed an associate. She recommended Sherry Thomas who had worked with her on 24. We met at a Starbucks and I had four people lined up to meet with and she was the first one and I canceled the others. I was like, ‘That’s it, we’re on!’
  • You have two have worked together for over 16 years. The first two – three years she was my associate and then I made her partner.
  • Why do you think you two work so well together, what clicks with you guys? Complete and utter respect and trust in each other. No competition ever.
  • What are some of the ways studios and showrunners, convey what they’re looking for? At beginning of a project we’ll get on a concept call, and really discuss the character with the creator. Sometimes with the studio or network people involved but usually with the creator of the project because it’s their vision that we’re serving. That’s where it starts – sometimes they will mention an actor that they have in mind. But really, we don’t like to work that way. It’s more so, what are the qualities they’re looking for in a character, so that you we a complete blank slate to really use the casting process the way it should be used –  to really find something exciting.
  • Do you have a database you use? Yes we have a database, we have these books ::points to a wall of five tiered bookcases packed with big binders with shows labeled on the spines::  that I’ve been compiling since I’ve started, with notes on all the actors we’ve ever seen. We use a service called Breakdown Services, where we send out to all the agents and managers and we get ideas and we go through them all.
  • Some actors on your shows, I don’t see or hear of them coming in, do you interview remotely? Well some people self-tape because they’re not in LA, so we’ll get their tape and Skype with them. If it’s a big role, we’ll have to do a test at the studio. It also may be someone that we’re offering to, or maybe for example- Elizabeth Moss came on The Handmaid’s Tale before we did.
  • I’ve spoken to some of the parents that come in for casting for other agencies in the building and they’ve expressed that their kids may or may not get cast based off their social media following. Does Bialy Thomas practice this? It’s definitely very common, but we do not do that at all. Someone’s social media following is not a factor in our casting decisions.
  • You don’t have to tell me who it was obviously… But what was the most horrific casting session you’ve ever had? I’ve had a knife pulled on me once. We were in session and this actress had a knife and got really close to me. This was for a feature, so the next actor, I asked if they had a knife or gun and I said OK you need to go put that back in your car! That was the most horrific.
  • The Handmaid’s Tale has been nominated for 13 Emmy’s. Congratulations! How did you two find out about the nominations? I was at home and Sherry text Russell and I. She told us and I couldn’t find it, so I think Russell text her back asking “Are you sure??”::laughing:: But yes, Sherry told us the great news.
  • Is there a show on air right now that you watch and think I could have done that better? Not better, but more of, I wish I could have cast that, it’s more out of respect. The Night Manager was so well cast and I’m like, damn I would have loved that job!
  • Where do you see Bialy Thomas & Associates in the next 3 years? I think I can speak for Sherry and myself. We’d like to continue to do work that we really believe in and we’re really passionate about- like The Handmaid’s Tale, The Last Tycoon, Barry, or Alan Ball’s Here, Now. When the work really resonates with us, we do better work. We want to work with the people that respect what we do and keep our incredible staff in this beautif
HPC News Hollywood News Movies/Television

Tenant Spotlight: Scott Mauro

Scott Mauro Playbill

Scott Mauro’s career spans from the late 1970’s when he first landed his job working on the hustling bustling Broadway circuit as a press assistant. Scott’s career flourished as he worked his way up Broadway’s hottest shows, where Disney eventually recruited him. We caught up with Scott at our Gower location where he has been a tenant for 4 years, to ask about his latest projects and to see what his Valentine’s Day plans are.

You started your career working on Broadway in the late 1970’s. You were a press assistant. Tell us a little bit about that position and who you worked for.

I started my career as a publicist for Broadway shows and then I wound up doing advertising for Broadway shows. That was for the original production of Barnum, Betrayal, among others, there were so many I can’t even think right now. But it was really exciting. I attended opening nights, went to incredible parties, I had so much fun. All the things you can imagine.

How did you land the initial job?

I literally knocked on doors. I knew what I wanted to do very early on when I was a kid. I grew up in New York, and attended Broadway shows. I knew my calling, so after I graduated from college, I sent out a 180 cover letters and resumes. We had to type them out in those days! I did not have a copier; none of that. I networked and I was able to have Liza Minnelli as a client when she was white hot. I had Frank Sinatra and I had Diana Ross, David Bowie. I suddenly was doing advertising for not only Broadway shows, but with various artists when they were out on tour and I did album releases.

You established your production company in 93’, how did that come about? What motivated you to do that?

Well it was very simple. I was head of TV specials for Disney. Disney recruited me out of New York. So because I was working with all of these stars in advertising, the stars would take me along with them to do these TV shows. From that I became a producer. I started producing shows like Night of 100 Stars for ABC and the Tony Awards. I was working with great executive producers who took me under their wing. This was all because of my advertising career. I ended up doing four TV specials for Disney, which aired on NBC. Then I received a phone call from Cher’s team. Cher was going to go out on tour: If I Could Turn Back Time was first tour since Sonny passed away. It was an 15 month job and on top of that I was doing the TV special with CBS. So I was able to leave my job with Disney and have a little bit of security to open up my own production company.

How has the advertising industry changed from 93′ to now?

The biggest change is digital and I love it. Vine, Periscope, Instagram, Snapchat. I was ahead of the pack when it came to the transition into the digital age. I was the first person to put a Broadway show on the Internet. It was a Rodgers and Hammerstein revival and It was primitive in that we put up reviews and pictures, it was very static, but we were the first ones to have a website for a Broadway show. At the time, I didn’t think it was ground breaking, I just knew that we should do it and it was all part of the advertising/marketing strategy.

If there was a movie produced about your life, who would play you and why?

[laughs] No one has ever asked me this before. I don’t know, let me think about this one. I’m thinking maybe Zachary Levi, yes Zachary Levi. I’ve worked with him before and I can see him playing a good father and I see some similarities. But wait, I think I’m changing my answer, I pick David Schwimmer. Yes, because David has the right personality traits and the audience can relate to him.

What is the biggest headache during the process of producing these live shows and events?

It’s always budgets. It always comes down to budget. You want to do the best show you can. Some people don’t want to see the bigger picture and they want to be penny pinchers. It doesn’t always take a lot of money; it just takes money wisely spent. So you must have good venders in place, people who are on the same page. You must work with the same people for the most part. Yes, I have had the same team for 20 years both in New York and in Los Angeles. With very few replacements and I’ve really put together a great team. In fact on a show I recently did with UNICEF with Mariah Carey and Elton john, somebody from UNICEF came up to me and complimented me on the people that work for me.

Favorite actor/performer you worked with? Oh boy, there’s several. Hugh Jackman was great. We collaborated very closely on the Museum of Moving Images Salute to his work. He was great fun. I got to know him and his wife and we hung out a little bit. But for the most part I pretty much have good experiences with most people. The one that I am in most awe of that I worked with is Frank Sinatra. I was part of his team for 18 years and that was quite an experience because he was truly larger than life.

What three things do you need to be successful in your industry? What are deal killers for you?

You have to be passionate, you have to be persistent; you’re going to get a lot rejection. For every yes, you’re going to get 30 no’s and you have to know how to be diplomatic when handling people. I have a reputation for being tougher than most, and that’s fine with me. I’m tough but fair. I’m fair but I’m tough when I need be tough and sometimes whether it be a huge creative team or talent, they may push over the boundary and you have to know when to say enough. But being tough but fair is very important. And what is a deal killer for you? Arrogance. Absolute arrogance. You meet some people who have absolutely no qualifications who are just full of attitude to make up for it. This could be off the record, who has been difficult to work with? No I don’t care, you can put it out there. It’s interesting; I had a really hard time with Sean Connery. No matter what we did we couldn’t make him happy. But then I met him a couple of months later and he absolutely loved my work, loved the evening. He not only became a fan, but he agreed to come to another one of my shows. It’s the most unbelievable story, he turned out to be a pussycat.

On February 9th you’re going to be holding the 13th Annual Woman’s Red Dress Awards 8 years is a long time doing this, what is going to make this year different from the past?

I actually created it; it used to be a cocktail party in a bar where they handled out these little statues. But Larry King who is committed to fighting heart disease because of his cardiac foundation, he brought me in and recommended me to turn it into what it is today. I made it into a show. So we booked the Lincoln Center and then we brought in musical acts and we give out 4 or 5 awards during the event. Over the years we’ve had CeeLo Green, Colbie Caillat, Elvis Costello, Sara Bareilles. There’s a pre-show with photo ops, step and repeat, red carpet, passed hors d’oeuvres. Then we do the show, which is 90 minutes, no intermission, theatre seating. Finally, there’s a 2-hour party with a live DJ and more food and more drinks and all the women wear red. It’s actually one of the most fun events that I do and I’ve very proud of it because it’s for a great cause. Who is on this years lineup? This year we’re going a little country with The Band Perry. We have a woman who is an impersonator; she’s going to be singing “Natural Woman” in 17 voices. So from Britney Spears to Bernadette Peters to Celine Dion straight through, it’s exciting.

Where do you see Scott Mauro Entertainment in the next 5 years?

I want to do more TV specials and more Broadway shows. I would love to bring together a great cast. You look at The Sound of Music Live and it wasn’t critically acclaimed but the ratings were phenomenal. Now we have Grease coming up on FOX, which is going to be great. I have one or two good TV specials in me. Maybe more.

If you could sing one song on American Idol, what would it be? “New York, New York” I was born in raised in New York. I’m a die hard New Yorker. I’m not a singer but the song swings a little bit and I could fake it.

How are you going to be celebrating Valentines Day this year?

Valentine’s Day is a hugely important holiday for my wife and I. This is our 40th Valentine’s Day. Not married, but 40 years since we have been celebrating Valentine’s Day together. We knew there was something going on between us 40 years ago on Valentine’s Day, so it’s a very special day for us. Our first date was the week after Valentine’s Day and in college we used to give each other cards. My wife and I will have brunch that day, she’s picking the place and you better believe I’ll be coming home with chocolates and flowers.

HPC News Hollywood News

Tenant Spotlight: Cynthia de Petris and Edgar Pease


In this Valentine’s Day edition of Tenant Spotlight we caught up with Cynthia de Petris and Edgar Pease on a cool winter’s day in Hollywood. Cynthia and Edgar both practice law over at our Gower location and they happen to be one of the cutest couples ever! We wanted to know more about how they started out individually as well as what it’s like working together.

Cynthia and Edgar are happy to give a free consultation to anyone in the building with legal issues. Suite 254. (323) 785-2131

Cynthia, I read you passed the bar in 1993. What were you doing before you decided to take the big test?

Cynthia: One takes the bar exam following law school. I wasn’t sure I wanted to be an attorney when I graduated. I had always been a teacher, so I set up my own law school tutorial service and spent two years tutoring law students and bar candidates.  Meantime, Ed passed the bar and needed my help because the practice became very busy, so we decided I would take the test as well. I have been practicing since 1993.

Cynthia, what type of law do you practice?

Cynthia:  I am a family law attorney and deal with civil litigation.  Many of my clients are in the entertainment field and I deal with their divorces, custody, support and business disputes.

Edgar, How has your approach changed towards representing artists during the time you’ve been practicing law? What kind of services do you typically provide as an entertainment lawyer?

Edgar: I developed an approach to musical and theatrical artists based upon my 20 plus years as a professional musician prior to becoming an attorney which allows me to speak the language of the artists I am dealing with since I was once looking at issues as a composer and writer instead of just an attorney. I provide contract analysis, deal memos, copyright and intellectual property litigation and representation, trademark and domain name protection, writer and composer protection from infringers and general entertainment consultation.

Edgar, do you represent any artists that are just beginning their musical career?

Edgar: Yes. I represent a rock band by the name of Acidic who has just concluded a 10 month US Tour known as “Warped Tour 14.”  I also represent producer Angel Chen who is a first time major motion picture executive producer. Long time clients I currently represent include Earth, Wind and Fire, Michael Jackson’s Heal the World Foundation, Carlos Santa/John Ryan, Bobby Womack who recently passed away, Continuim Records (Keith Richards), Academy Award composer David Shire, Emmy Award winning composer James D’Pasquale, Academy Award nominee Carol Connors (Theme from “Rocky” and “Rescuers Down Under – Disney), Misty Copeland/San Pedro Ballet Co., Football Hall of Fame Athlete Eric Dickerson, Screen Writer Jerico Stone, Rock/Metal Bands “The Turtels,” Rare Earth, White Snake, Thin Lizzy, Stanley Clarke (famous Jazz musician), Janet Jackson, Jessie J/Loomis and the Lust federal copyright litigation, currently consulting on copyright infringement issues related to 12 Years a Slave/Desperate Housewives, among others.

Cynthia, what do you like most about working with Ed in the same practice?

Cynthia: He’s extremely creative he never says no to a client. And he’s extremely loving and compassionate with every client. It’s inspiring to watch that.

Edgar, what do you like most about working with Cynthia in the same practice?

Edgar: We have been married 24 years now. First of all, she’s such a good attorney; she’s really good at her job. We went to law school together. Between the two of us we make a lawyer. [Laughing] Judges and lawyers see us together all the time. People say when you hire one of us, you get two.

What are you two doing for Valentine’s Day?

Cynthia: We are going to Pupukae which is on the North shore of Hawaii. We have a little place there that overlooks the ocean.


HPC News Glendale News

Tenant Spotlight: Flying Mollusk


Flying Mollusk is an independent video game development studio who makes “edgy games for good.” By that, we mean that we make games that, first and foremost, are just as fun and thrilling as any “traditional” video game out there – but also give back to players by surreptitiously teaching them a new skillset, exposing them to new ideas, or simply inspiring them in the process. Right now we’re a plucky team of four full-time members who collectively have over 30 years of game development experience across all aspects of the game industry

What does Flying Mollusk do and how did it get established?

I have always been very passionate about the potential of “positive games,” but have struggled to find existing studios that make games that are fun, beneficial to the player, and developed for adult audiences (as opposed to many of the “edutainment” games created primarily for children). Ultimately, I realized that the best way to pursue my dream of making these “edgy games for good,” would be by establishing my own studio dedicated to creating high-quality, fun, and beneficial virtual experiences. At the end of 2013, I left my job at a larger, mainstream studio to create Flying Mollusk and focus on our first title, Nevermind.

Describe Nevermind and the inspiration behind it.

Nevermind is a biofeeback-enhanced horror adventure game that reacts to your fear and stress. While you play this mystery thriller, the game is constantly reading your anxiety levels. As you start to become a little scared, the game will dynamically respond by becoming harder. The longer you stay scared or stressed, the harder the game will become – so the trick is to learn how to manage your fear and stress in intense situations on the fly.

The big picture idea with Nevermind is that by learning and practicing stress management techniques through playing the game, you will start to habituate the mindfulness and stress management techniques that you need in everyday life. For example, in Nevermind, you may find yourself practicing deep breathing to bravely cross that foreboding bridge into the darkness unscathed – in real life, you may find that that same deep breathing technique will help you calmly get through rush hour traffic on the freeway, prepare to give a nerve-wracking speech, or keep a clear head when you’ve misplaced your keys and are running late for a meeting.

Nevermind started as my Master’s thesis project at the University of Southern California – where the proof of concept was developed back in 2011-2012. I went into my thesis year knowing that I wanted to make a “positive game” that used biofeedback input (technology that I had experimented with a few years prior). As a longtime fan of a darker aesthetic, I also really wanted to try my hand at the horror genre. With those three goals in mind, the seeds for what Nevermind would ultimately become were planted.

What made you want to make a horror game as opposed to any other genre?

I’ve always been a huge fan of the horror genre. As a toddler, I watched the Alien VHS tape so many times that it fell apart. In highschool, I had almost every episode at that time of the X-Files and Millenium memorized. My personal art style has always trended toward the creepy and macabre. In many ways, the horror genre has always been in my blood and making Nevermind a horror game was clearly a natural fit given my goals and ambitions for the project.

What was your initial reaction when Intel reached out to you about Nevermind?

It was incredibly exciting and validating to have Intel reach out about Nevermind. The Intel® RealSense™ camera technology is such a perfect fit for our long-term goals for Nevermind – as it allows us to seamlessly capture the biofeedback data we need and gives us new tools for creating an immersive experience. It has been wonderful working with Intel and the future of Nevermind is brighter than ever because of it!

What do you enjoy most about your job?

Video game development is one of the coolest jobs ever – not only because you get to make video games (my inner 12-year old still can’t believe this is my actual job), but because everyone you work with has such a diverse background of skillsets, interests, and experiences. The video game industry can sometimes get a bad rap, but  – in my experience – it is one of the most interesting and supportive communities I’ve been a part of. It is a fertile field of innovation and exploration – and waking up every morning knowing that I’m part of something that can make people happy and help improve their lives is a privilege that never gets old.

What’s in the future for Flying Mollusk?
We’re currently focused on developing Nevermind and are planning to launch the full version around October 2015 (with some content being released via Steam Early Access between now and then). After Nevermind, we’ll continue to make edgy games for good leveraging the coolest technology out there to make unforgettable experiences that will also, in ways small and large, make the world a better place.



Music/Concerts Hollywood News Movies/Television

The Simpsons at the Hollywood Bowl

In case you missed it, The Simpsons were at the Hollywood Bowl this past weekend. The show was appropriately titled, “The Simpsons Take the Bowl.”

Hank Azaria, Nancy Cartwright, and Yeardley Smith were all in attendance as part of the core cast of the show. These actors voice the characters of Moe Szyslak, Lisa Simpson, and Bart Simpson, respectively. Unfortunately, those not in attendance included Dan Castellaneta, the voice of Homer and Julie Kavner, the voice of Marge.

The show was a celebration filled with gratitude for the long running animated series. Many different clips were shown from the series and it was more of a hybrid show that featured the animated series as well as live action from performers.

Those in attendance were also treated to a mini-Simpsons carnival. There was a mini-Duff air blimp, and a battery of T-shirt cannons blazing away. Ushers from the venue wore red cornstalk-style wigs like Sideshow Bob, while many female orchestra members donned a mountain of blue hair just like Marge Simpson.

The show is premiering this month on September 28 on Fox for its 26th season with the episode titled, “Clown in the Dumps.”

Read the full story and review here:

HPC News Hollywood News Movies/Television

Cinespia: Summer Movie Screenings

Hollywood Production Center visited Cinespia for the 'Jaws' screening earlier this summer.
Hollywood Production Center visited Cinespia for the ‘Jaws’ screening earlier this summer.

Summer is coming to an end, so it’s time to go into speed-mode in checking off those things from your summer bucket list that you promised yourself you’d finish. One thing that should be on your bucket list is Cinespia. Ever wondered what it’s like to watch a movie in a cemetery? Well obviously Hollywood thought about it, and then there was Cinespia. Cinespia is a series of movie screenings that are held outdoors on Fairbanks Lawn, a grassy field inside Hollywood Forever Cemetery during the summer months. During these screenings, large crowds of people come out with their blankets and picnic baskets to enjoy a classic movie under the stars.




Are you sold? Check out the calendar for the remaining 2014 screenings:

Saturday, September 6
Purple Rain

Saturday, September 13
The Matrix

Saturday, September 20
Rosemary’s Baby

Find more information about tickets and movie times at

Hollywood News Movies/Television

2014 Oscar Winners Recap

Last night's Oscars was a Hollywood spectacle that drew in many.
Last night’s Oscars was a Hollywood spectacle filled with emotions.

The Oscars took place last night in Hollywood, and boy was it filled with gorgeous dresses, Twitter selfies and heartfelt acceptance speeches. Ellen DeGeneres seemed to be an audience favorite as she hosted The Academy Awards ceremony for the second time, her first time being in 2007. Hollywood’s biggest event brought in millions of viewers, 43 million to be exact, up from last year’s telecast. There was a lot going on during the live ceremony, so here is listed some of the notable winners.

First, Alfonso Cuaron’s Gravity, took home the most Oscars for the night, with 7 in total.

Best Picture: 12 Years a Slave
Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role: Matthew McConaughey, Dallas Buyers Club
Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role: Cate Blanchett, Blue Jasmine
Achievement in Directing: Gravity, Alfonso Cuaron
Original Screenplay: Her, Spike Jonze
Adapted Screenplay: 12 Years a Slave, John Ridley
Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role: Lupita Nyong’o, 12 Years a Slave
Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role: Jared Leto, Dallas Buyers Club
Best Animated Feature: Frozen

See full list of winners at The Hollywood Reporter.

Hollywood News Movies/Television

Golden Globe Nominations to be Announced

Olivia Wilde, Aziz Ansari and Zoe Saldana will be announcing the 71st Annual Golden Globe nominees live on Thursday, December 12.
Olivia Wilde, Aziz Ansari and Zoe Saldana will be announcing the 71st Annual Golden Globe nominations live on Thursday, December 12.

It seems like award season is in full swing now, and the Golden Globes will be joining the ranks. Aziz Ansari, Zoe Saldana and Olivia Wilde will be joining Hollywood Foreign Press Association President Theo Kingma to announce the 71st Annual Golden Globe Award nominees this week. Kevin Bacon’s daughter, and newly crowned Miss Golden Globes 2014, Sosie Bacon will be joining the announcers. The nomination announcement will take place on Thursday, December 12 airing live on NBC’s Today show and streaming on Nominations will span across 25 categories for film and television, both domestic and foreign.

The 71st Annual Golden Globe Awards is set to air live on Sunday, January 12, 2014. Audience favorites Tina Fey and Amy Poehler will be hosting the awards ceremony for the second year in a row. The award show is seen in over 160 countries, and last year they had nearly 20 million people tune in. The show is produced by Dick Clark Productions in association with the Hollywood Foreign Press Association.

View full story at

HPC News Hollywood News Movies/Television

‘Looking’ to Premiere on HBO in January

HBO's new drama-comedy 'Looking' will premiere on Sunday, January 19, 2014.
HBO’s new drama-comedy ‘Looking’ will premiere on Sunday, January 19, 2014.

HPC News – Hollywood Production Center is once again happy announce that we have been joined by an exciting television project. Mission Street Productions has moved into the Hollywood Production Center offices, and they are currently working on a new series for HBO titled Looking. This half hour drama-comedy will follow the lives of a group of gay men living in San Francisco as they deal with dating in the digital age and growing older in the gay community. The three gay best friends will be played by Jonathan Groff, Frankie J. Alvarez and Murray Bartlett.

The eight-episode series was filmed in San Francisco at the start of fall. Looking was created by Michael Lannen, who is also attached as co-executive producer, and is directed by Andrew Haigh. Haigh and Sarah Condon serve as executive producers. Looking will premiere on Sunday, January 19, 2014 on HBO.

HBO’s other popular drama-comedy Girls will premiere its 3rd season January 12, 2014. Other new television shows on HBO’s schedule is True Detective and The Leftovers.

Check out the trailer for Looking here.

View full story at The Hollywood Reporter.

Movies/Television HPC News Hollywood News

HPC Welcomes After Dark Films

After Dark Films has moved into HPC to work on their latest project, 'Re-Kill.'
After Dark Films has moved into HPC to work on their latest project, ‘Re-Kill.’

HPC News – A new tenant has moved into Hollywood Production Center, and that is After Dark Films, a horror, original and action film production company and distributor founded by Courtney Solomon. The company is currently working on a horror film called Re-Kill, which is a found-footage zombie film. The footage is of the brave men and women of R-division who must find and destroy zombies. It is five years after the initial Outbreak and just as they begin to think they are almost clear of the disease, they see signs of a second Outbreak. They begin to worry that humanity may not be able to survive a second round of this epidemic. The movie is said to be shot in a wartime documentary style, and is in the vein of 28 Days Later.

Re-Kill marks Valerie Milev’s directorial debut. The film was written by Michael Hurst, who is also credited for House of the Dead 2 and Pumpkinhead: Blood Feud.

After Dark Film’s Courtney Solomon current work includes directing the 2013 film Getaway, starring Ethan Hawke, Selena Gomez and Jon Voight. Re-Kill will be a collaborative effort between After Dark Films and Valerie Milev. The project was put on pause during post-production as the teams worked on different projects, but they are expecting a theatrical release early in 2014.

View full story at

Hollywood News Movies/Television

The Bear is Back for ‘Ted 2’

Ted 2 is set to be released June 26, 2015. Mark Wahlberg and Seth MacFarlane will be returning as the cast.
Ted 2 is set to be released June 26, 2015. Mark Wahlberg and Seth MacFarlane will be returning as the cast.

The vulgar yet lovable teddy bear is back for Ted 2. The comedy sequel is set to be released on June 26, 2015 with Seth MacFarlane returning to co-write, direct and co-star as the bear’s voice. Ted 2 is set to be released by Universal and Media Rights Capital, and Mark Wahlberg is expected to return as the bear’s childhood owner.

Ted was released in the summer of 2012 and grossed $54.4 million its opening weekend and has since grossed over $218 million domestically as of October 2013. The movie went on to become the 12th-highest-grossing film of the year and the highest-grossing original R-rated comedy of all time. The movie starred Mark Wahlberg across from Mila Kunis and Seth MacFarlane. The movie guest starred Nora Jones and Sam J. Jones as Flash Gordon.

Hollywood News Food/Drink

Mixologists Go Head to Head

The Covenant House California hosted the All-Star Mixology Competition last week in Los Angeles.
The Covenant House California hosted the All-Star Mixology Competition last week in Los Angeles. Edwin Cruz of The Spare Room in Hollywood was crowned the winner.

Los Angeles – With the popularity of cooking contests and specialty chefs going head to head in cook-offs on television, it is no surprise that the men behind the bars wanted to compete as well. Last week Covenant House California hosted an All-Star Mixology Contest in Culver City where mixologists competed to make the best drinks. Some contestants were cocktail makes at L.A. bars such as ShoreBar, Eveleigh and The Spare Room, while others were liquor brand ambassadors. Contestants competed in three rounds that increased in difficulty until only the final three contestants were left for the final round. In this round, the three mixologists were given a secret ingredient, pears, and asked to make a drink. Edwin Cruz of The Spare Room in Hollywood blew the judges away and was named the winner.

The judge panel for the event included Georgia Hardstark and Alie Ward, co-hosts of the Cooking Channel’s Tripping Out with Georgia and Alie and co-contributors to the channel’s Unique Sweets. Other judges included A-list stylist and interior designer Estee Stanley, Paramount Pictures vice president Liza Pano, and publisher and executive editor of The Tasting Panel magazineMeridithMay. The event was held in Unici Casa in Culver City.

Covenant House California operates centers in Los Angeles and Oakland, which provide housing, health benefits, education and employment help to homeless youth. Last year, Covenant House California helped over 5,000 children that are homeless due to various circumstances. The benefit event was co-sponsored by The Hollywood Reporter and ABC-7.

Hollywood News Movies/Television

Cruella de Vil is Back

Aline Brosh McKenna will writing the script for one of Disney's newest movies 'Cruella.'
Aline Brosh McKenna will writing the script for one of Disney’s newest movies ‘Cruella.’

Cruella de Vil was made famous as the dog-fur-loving villain in the 1961 animated film 101 Dalmations and she is coming back for her very own movie. The new Disney movie Cruella will be centered around Cruella de Vil and her villainous tendencies. The news comes after the studio made Maleficent, set to release in 2014, which is based on the infamous Sleeping Beauty villain, Maleficent. Cruella will be one of Disney’s latest live-action take on one of its classic animated films. Along with Maleficent and Alice, Disney will also be remaking Cinderella, which just went into principal photography.

Aline Brosh McKenna, the writer for Cinderella has been selected to write and produce this new movie. Disney realized that no one knows Cruella de Vil better than Glenn Close who played the character in 1996 film – and returned again in 2000 for the sequel – so she will be act as executive producer for this film. McKenna may be best known for her adaption of The Devil Wears Prada. The writer just finished up the script for Annie, which she is currently casting for.

Movies/Television Hollywood News

A Look Back at Buster Keaton

Arguably one of the best films made, Buster Keaton left a lasting legacy with his acting in 'The General'
Arguably one of the best films made, Buster Keaton left a lasting legacy with his acting in ‘The General’

A look back at…

Today we’re taking a look back at Buster Keaton, a revolutionary in the film and television business. Born Joseph Frank “Buster” Keaton, Buster was known as a comic actor, filmmaker, producer and writer. He is still known best for his silent films, in which his trademark was physical comedy with a stoic, deadpan expression that got him the nickname The Great Stone Face.

The Saphead was released in 1920, which was Buster’s first starring role in a full-length feature. After much success in comedy, his partner gave him his own production unit, and it wasn’t long until he was making his own full-length films. The General (1926) is considered today one of his greatest works as an actor, although at the time the movie did poorly in the box office and was harshly reviewed by critics.

Buster’s legacy lives on, proof being his two stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Hollywood Boulevard. He received one star for his motion pictures and the other for television. In 2012, The Ultimate Buster Keaton Collection was released, which included 14-disk set of Keaton’s best work, including eleven of his feature films, among other things. Buster Keaton left a mark on the film industry, and his human acrobatics and larger than life choreography will continue to live on.

HPC News Hollywood News Movies/Television

‘The Bridge’ Season Finale

'The Bridge' season finale airs on Wednesday, October 2 on FX.
‘The Bridge’ season finale airs on Wednesday, October 2 on FX.

Creative Casting has found its home at the Hollywood Production Center. Their resume is long and ever expanding, but one of their most recent projects is FX’s new romantic comedy pilot You’re the Worst. They also recently worked on a casting project for The Bridge, which premiered on FX earlier this summer.

The Bridge was a big project for Creative Casting, as it turned out to be a huge hit for summer television this year. The drama television series debuted in July and was already renewed for a second season to air in 2014. The Bridge is based on two police detectives who investigate a serial killer that is menacing the United States and Mexico with murders along the Texas-Chihuahua border. With over 3 million viewers on the series premiere date, this show truly boosted the summer television lineup. The season finale of The Bridge is set to air on Wednesday, October 2.

Congratulations on the great work, Creative Casting!

Movies/Television HPC News Hollywood News

Da Vinci’s Demons Takes Home Two Emmys

Da Vinci's Demons won 2 Emmy awards at this year's Emmys Award Show.
Da Vinci’s Demons won 2 Emmy awards at this year’s Emmys Award Show.

The Emmys this year brought together spectacular work in the television industry, and Da Vinci’s Demons was no exception. The Starz hit television drama was nominated this year for three categories: Outstanding Main Title Design, Outstanding Original Main Title Theme Music and Outstanding Special Visual Effects in a Supporting Role. Da Vinci’s Demons was ecstatic to take home two wins (Cinemax’s Banshee won Outstanding Special Visual Effects in a Supporting Role), and this momentum will carry them into their second season that is set to premiere in 2014. 

Bear McCreary is the mastermind behind the Da Vinci’s Demons’ theme music, which he wanted to be sure spoke to the main character, Leonardo da Vinci. In true form, McCreary made the opening titles music a palindrome – it sounds the same whether you play it forward or backwards – which was in ode to da Vinci’s legendary backward writing. With such creative form, it is no wonder Da Vinci’s Demons took home the Outstanding Original Main Title Theme Music award.

Hollywood News Movies/Television HPC News

The Vampire Diaires and The Originals Oct. 2 Premiere

The CW's The Vampire Diaries and The Originals will be premiering Thursday, October 3.
The CW’s The Vampire Diaries and The Originals will premiere Thursday, October 3.

The CW will be joining the big networks in releasing their new and returning fall shows this October. Two big front runners for the network are The Vampire Diaries and The Originals, which are both set to premiere on Thursday, October 3.

The Vampire Diaries is a supernatural drama that delves into the world of vampires as we see what happens when the human world and the supernatural world mix. The show first premiered in 2009 and will be premiering its fifth season this October. Elena (Nina Dobrev) falls in love with the 163-year-old vampire Stefan (Paul Wesley) who refuses to drink human blood, a vegetarian by vampire standards. Stefan’s brother Damon (Ian Somerhalder) also falls for Elena, which isn’t the worst of their problems when they find out one of Elena’s best friends is a witch and the other has been turned into a vampire.

The Originals is The CW’s newest vampire drama, and it is a spin-off of their hit series The Vampire Diaries. The Originals picks up with The Vampire Diaries’ Mikaelson siblings who are known in the supernatural world as the original vampires. The Original Family will be moving to New Orleans to continue to wreak havoc in the human world, while the egotistical brother Klaus works to take his place as king of the supernatural one. The Originals will premiere after The Vampire Diaries on Thursday, October 3 before moving to its regular Tuesday night time slot on October 8.  

Hollywood News Movies/Television

Superheros aren’t Just for Movies

James Gordon will have his own show on FOX called 'Gotham,' which was ordered by the network.
‘Batman’ character Commissioner James Gordon will have his own show on FOX called ‘Gotham,’ which was ordered by the network earlier this week.

FOX just announced that they have ordered a series based on the comic book story of Batman. The straight-to-series comic book drama set to be called Gotham will serve as a prequel and will focus on the life of comic book character Commissioner James Gordon. Gotham City’s most notable police officer will get his time in the spot light, in addition to the villains who made this city famous. Because this story will take place before Gordon has met Batman, the superhero will not be involved in the series.

The series was written by Bruno Heller who is also set to be executive producer. Gotham marks the latest comic book adaptation at FOX, but they are also currently working on adapting Vertigo’s comic League of Extraordinary Gentleman. We will also soon be seeing Boom Studios’ comic Unthinkable on the table.

If you thought that TV would be safe from all of the superhero bonanza, you will find that you are terribly wrong. The CW is already premiering its second season of Arrow next month, with an imminent spin-off called Flash. If all goes well, we will also be seeing Amazon, which is a potential Wonder Woman prequel series.

HPC News Hollywood News Movies/Television

With the Fall Season Comes Fall TV

CBS, NBC and ABC will start their fall TV premieres this week, joining FOX that started last week and the CW that will start next week.
CBS, NBC and ABC will start their fall TV premieres this week, joining FOX that started last week and the CW that will start next week.

This week is kicking off with the majority of networks premiering their new television shows alongside their beloved returners. While Fox had its premiere week last week, the rest of the networks are just catching up. This week CBS, NBC and ABC joined in to round off the big 4 networks for fall television in 2013. The CW network will soon be joining in as well with their premieres starting on October 3rd and continuing into the next week.

What shows should you be looking forward to? If you’ve been up with TV thus far, you’ll understand just how exciting it is for CBS’ How I Met Your Mother to be back for its final season after the Mother was revealed to viewers during last season’s finale. Zooey Deschanel has made her way into everyone’s hearts as the “adorkable” girl in New Girl, and with the new budding romance with Nick, everyone will be tuning in to see if these lovebirds can make it. Other returners garnering buzz are The Big Bang Theory, Nashville and Parks and Recreation.

We know we’re ready to try a new show, and with that we can’t wait for the CW’s The Originals to air. The show is a spin-off of the hit show Vampire Diaries, and is a continuation of the lives of the original vampire family. The Originals is set to premiere Thursday, October 3.

Check out the rest of the television calendar here:

HPC News Hollywood News Food/Drink

HPC’s Food Truck Festival

The Hollywood Production Center is hosting the 2nd Annual Food Truck Festival this Tuesday, September 24 at HPC 1 in Hollywood.
The Hollywood Production Center is hosting the 2nd Annual Food Truck Festival this Tuesday, September 24 at HPC 1 in Hollywood.

Hollywood – The Hollywood Production Center is proud to announce their 2nd Annual Food Truck Festival will be taking place this week! The Food Truck Festival will take place tomorrow, Tuesday September 24 at the flagship Hollywood location, Hollywood Production Center 1. The event will feature various food trucks that will set up and be ready to serve you for your every lunchtime craving. Enjoy a delicious sandwich from The Grilled Cheese Truck, a wild meal from The Hurricane Kitchen or grab an ice cream from King Kone to cool you down. All the trucks will be stationed on the HPC lot, which is located at 1149 N. Gower St. in Hollywood, just off of Hollywood Blvd. This event is open to our building as well as the surrounding community, so come out and enjoy a delightful lunch with us!

The Hollywood Production Center specializes in turnkey, fully-furnished executive offices that cater to the entertainment industry, as well as to the professional community. The Hollywood Production Center offers beautiful offices, but they also believe in staying involved in the community. Located in Hollywood and Glendale, you will constantly find HPC throwing events as a way to get people to come out and enjoy Los Angeles with us.

HPC News Hollywood News Movies/Television Celebrity News

The Emmy’s are Here at Last

The Emmy's will air on Sunday, September 22 at 8pm. Neil Patrick Harris is set to host.
The Emmy’s will air on Sunday, September 22 at 8pm. Neil Patrick Harris is set to host. Tina Fey and Allison Williams (pictures above) both received nominations.

Hollywood – The much awaited event of the season, the Emmy’s, will take place on Sunday, September 22 at 8pm. This year will mark the 65th year for the Emmy’s, and with host Neil Patrick Harris they have not missed a beat. The multi-Grammy Award winner Elton John who earlier this week performed at the University of Southern California (USC) will be performing on the Primetime Emmy Awards stage.

The Hollywood Reporter has kicked off Emmy festivities with its Nominees Night on Thursday, September 19 at the Garden Terrace of Soho House in West Hollywood. Showrunners, actors and executives alike joined to celebrate the imminent event with both excitement and anxiousness. Tina Fey, Aaron Sorkin, Vince Gilligan and Matthew Weiner were among the talent there.

The categories span across various genres, comedy, drama, miniseries/movie, variety/music and reality, and within each genre there are three to nine categories. There has been a lot of talk surrounding these nominations and who deserves to win, but it will not be decided until Sunday. Front runners with various nominations in multiple categories is Homeland, Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Downton Abbey and House of Cards to name just a few.

Hollywood News Food/Drink Music/Concerts

Want to Have a Sleepover at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery?

Airbnb is putting on a contest in LA where 5 lucky winners will win an overnight stay at one of five iconic LA locations.
Airbnb is putting on a contest in LA where 5 lucky winners will win an overnight stay at one of five iconic LA locations.

We all love the iconic Los Angeles spots, but what if you could spend the night there? Airbnb is coming to Los Angeles, and in true Hollywood style, they are coming in with a bang. Airbnb is putting on a contest where 5 lucky winners will have the chance to stay overnight at places frequented by the die-hard Angelino, but never before with an overnight invitation. The only requirement to enter into the contest is to go onto their Facebook page and tell them in 10 words why you love Los Angeles. The 5 best stories will win a day and night to experience the iconic Hollywood Forever Cemetery, Viper Room, Arts District Downtown LA, The Grove or The Cook’s Garden by HGEL.

Even if you don’t win one of the fantastic location, there are a plethora of events and activities to keep you active and happy. The first event kicks off on Friday, September 27 and will continue through Monday, September 30 and will take place at each of the 5 locations every day.

Airbnb was founded in 2008 in San Francisco. They are a trusted community marketplace for people to list and find unique accommodations around the world. In more than 33,000 cities and 192 countries, Airbnb can allow you stay in an apartment for a night or a castle for a week.

Want to learn more about the contest and events? Check it out here:

Hollywood News Movies/Television

Celebrating 75 Years with “The Wizard of Oz”

"The Wizard of Oz" celebrated its 75 year anniversary at the Chinese Theater in Hollywood.
“The Wizard of Oz” celebrated its 75 year anniversary at the Chinese Theater in Hollywood.

Dorothy and Toto have been an icon to American culture, and this weekend The Wizard of Oz celebrated its 75 year anniversary. This Sunday, Warner Bros. held a special screening of the movie at the grand reopening of the Chinese Theater in Hollywood. The film first premiered at the Chinese Theater in 1939, so its return there was a historical moment. Warner Bros. converted the adjacent theater lobby, Chinese 6, into Emerald City with a crystal green theme and various movie related stations, such as Oz-themed video games, a lion-sized cupcake station and a life-size wax figure of Judy Garland as Dorothy. Warner Bros. also launched earlier this summer a $25 million campaign that included a McDonald’s Happy Meal collection, an Imax release and various consumer products.

The event would not be complete without a special guest appearance from an original cast member, Ruth Duccini who played one of the Munchkins. Ruth is one of only two surviving Munchkin actors, which she played when she was only 20 years old.

The Chinese Theater closed its doors earlier this summer as it underwent a renovation project. The theater is now home to the largest Imax auditorium in the world, adding a great asset to a theater already renowned for all of the Hollywood movie premieres that take place there.

Hollywood News Movies/Television

Breaking Bad Fans Welcome “Better Call Saul”

"Better Call Saul" will officially be the "Breaking Bad" spin-off with the lawyer, Saul Goodman.
“Better Call Saul” will officially be the “Breaking Bad” spin-off as the series wraps up its final season.

While many fans mourn the imminent end of Breaking Bad, AMC has offered a way to ease the pain. AMC has announced that they are moving forward with their Breaking Bad spin-off that will be based on the ever-meddling lawyer, Saul Goodman. The show has been announced with the working title Better Call Saul and will be a prequel that focuses on the Saul Goodman character before he became Walter and Jesse’s lawyer.

Bob Odenkirk will be the star of the show as he returns as Saul. Vince Gilligan, the mastermind and creator of Breaking Bad will stay tied to this new project, which he expressed enthusiasm for. The series has not been formally ordered by AMC, but they are expecting to finalize soon.

The news comes as Breaking Bad airs its final episodes this month. The series finale is set to air on Sunday, September 29. AMC has a lot going on with the recent news of Mad Men finishing its 7 season run in 2014. It was also announced that The Killing, which just wrapped up its 3rd season this August, has been cancelled. However, AMC is ready to launch two dramas next year, which we hope will be a hit.

Hollywood News Glendale News Food/Drink

LA Beer Week

LA Beer Week is set to start on Thursday, September 19 and will continue until Sunday, September 29.
LA Beer Week is set to start on Thursday, September 19 and will continue until Sunday, September 29.

Beer Week is back in Los Angeles just in time as everyone realizes their summer festivities are coming to an end. LABW was founded by a group of beer enthusiasts and members of the Los Angeles and Orange County beer communities. This week and a half-long event is run by a volunteer group that brings together various breweries and restaurants to allow Los Angeles to enjoy a delicious beer and learn all there is to know about their favorite brew.

Beer Week runs from Thursday, September 19 to to Sunday, September 29, and will be kicking off at the Opening Gala that will take place at the LA Union Station. This event will feature over 50 local breweries that will offer unlimited sampling of their best beers. The event will take place on Sunday, September 22 and starts at 11am and will continue until 3pm in the iconic art deco ticketing hall of the Union Station.

The 11-day festival will take place in locations all over Los Angeles as participating companies create their own events to be a part of Beer Week. The fun part about this festival is that while there is a volunteer group facilitating the entire event, it is really up to each individual company or brewery to bring something to the table for Angelinos to enjoy. Such an interesting concept has allows them to get creative and offer something new to people who are excited to learn more about beer. To learn more about the happenings check out:

Hollywood News Food/Drink

LA’s Thai Food Festival

z Thai Food FestivalAs summer truly comes to an end in September, chef Jet Tila tries to ease Angelinos into the winter months by hosting LA’s first Thai Food Festival. The Thai Food Festival will take place at Paramount Studios on Sunday, September 29. The event will allow attendees to taste authentic regional cuisines from the four regions of Thailand. The national dishes and delicacies will be accessible from street food vendors and authentic Thai restaurants alike. In addition to food, the festival will feature Thai cultural events, such as Muay Thai martial arts, classical and folk dancing, umbrella painting, Thai fruit carving and much more!

Chef Jet Tila is a nationally celebrated chef specializing in all styles of Asian cuisine, and managing partner of The Charleston in Santa Monica, CA. Jet has appeared on various television programs, including “The Best Of,” “Food Finds” and “The Secret Life Of” on the Food Network, and “Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations” on the Travel Channel. Other chefs that will be featured and cooking at the festival are: Andy Ricker, Sang Yoon, David LeFevre, Kris Yenbamroong, Susan Feniger and Evan Kleiman.

The Thai Food Festival begins Sunday, September 29 at 3:30pm and will continue until 6pm. Tickets for the event are available here:

Celebrity News Hollywood News Movies/Television

Sharknado to Hit LA Again


Horrible Movie Night will be showing Sharknado at the something Showroom in Hollywood on Saturday, September 14.
Horrible Movie Night will be showing Sharknado at the NerdMelt Showroom in Hollywood on Saturday, September 14.

In case you lived under a rock this summer, Syfy released a made-for-television movie called Sharknado in early July. While it was unanimously agreed upon that the movie was the furthest from an Oscar nomination, it completely took Twitter by storm. Social Media has a new place in our lives when the worst movie to be released this summer was the most talked about in social media. With just under 1.4 million viewers on its premiere, Sharknado was a hit on Twitter with just under half a million tweets with the hashtag ‘#Sharknado.’ With 5,000 tweets per minute at its peak, word spread fast about Sharknado, and those who didn’t know about the film were soon tuning in to see what all the commotion was about.

Horrible Movie Night has embraced this shark tornado that hits Los Angeles, and will be showing it at a DVD release party at the NerdMelt Showroom in Hollywood on Saturday, September 14. Guest comedians will be the hosts for the night, and attendees will be visited by the cast and crew of Sharknado to answer all of your burning questions.

Horrible Movie Night screens the worst films made and invites the attendees to Roast them. Those with the best one-liners will even win prizes! Tickets are on sale online for $8, or are available at the door for $10. Please visit the website to learn more:

Hollywood News Movies/Television

Goodbye to Walter and Jesse

AMC's Breaking Bad premiered its 5th and final season this summer, and will say goodbye during its final episode on Sunday, September 29.
AMC’s Breaking Bad premiered its 5th and final season this summer, and will say goodbye during its final episode on Sunday, September 29.

Hollywood – Can’t get enough of Breaking Bad? With the imminent series finale you will have to find a way to cope without Walter White and Jesse Pinkman, but to make this closure easier, AMC offered a chance for fans to experience the end together. The final episode of Breaking Bad is going to be screened at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery on Sunday, September 29 at 8pm, presented by Cinespia. The cast and crew are going to be present and all proceeds of the event are going to the Kind Campaign.

The tickets went on sale September 4 and to no ones surprise they are now all sold out. The event is going to be co-hosted by The Embassy and will feature DJ Chris Holmes spinning before and after the showing. All the attendees will also have a chance at a Q & A with the cast and crew immediately following the show. The night will begin with the screening of Breaking Bad’s pilot episode, which will be followed by the final episode.

Breaking Bad had a successful 5 season run with AMC and will be finishing up with countless award nominations. Breaking Bad has been considered the greatest television drama of all times, and millions of fans will come together to watch it come to an end on Sunday, September 29.

Hollywood News Food/Drink

The Rusty Mullet for Burgers and Shots

The Rusty Mullet in Hollywood offers an extensive list of custom burgers and shots.
The Rusty Mullet in Hollywood offers an extensive list of custom burgers and shots.

Hollywood – The Rusty Mullet in Hollywood has made a name for itself. This restaurant doubles as a place to watch sports with its 24 flat screens, while being a great restaurant. What really draws people in are the custom-blended burgers and extensive list of shots. The Rusty Mullet gets creative with their burger combinations, such as adding a fried egg or pulled pork. In addition, their very interesting menu items are the 50 varieties of shots. The Rusty Mullet offers fun concoctions of alcoholic shots, each one only costing $5. The 50 different shots come mixed to make taking the drink easier and tastier.

Actor Vincent Laresca remade an old spot into a drinking den with high-chaired seating in a large, exposed-brick room. The entire place has a laid-back feel with murals painted right onto the walls. Rusty Mullet offers great happy hours daily with a buy one, get one for $1 deals until 8pm, and an additional late-night deal from 10pm to midnight Sunday through Thursday.

The Rusty Mullet is located in Hollywood at 1708 N. Las Palmas, just two blocks east of the Hollywood & Highland Center.

Hollywood News Food/Drink

The LA Times Brings Us The Taste

The Los Angeles Times presents The Taste this Friday, August 30 through Sunday, September 1.
The Los Angeles Times presents The Taste this Friday, August 30 through Sunday, September 1.

Labor Day marks the end of summer in Los Angeles, but The Los Angeles Times tries to ease Angelinos’ sadness by hosting The Taste this Labor Day Weekend. The Taste is a three-day gastronomic adventure featuring five events that will highlight distinct aspects of food culture in Southern California. The events feature unlimited food and drink tastings from more than 40 of the area’s top restaurants, cooking and mixology demonstrations, wine seminars and panel discussions.

The Taste starts Friday, August 30 and will continue through Sunday, September 1. Friday gets started with their ‘Opening Night’ where you will get a focused collection of tastings, distinctive cocktail and wine offerings and live entertainment. Festivities continue into Saturday with ‘Field to Fork’ with Russ Parsons, The Times’ Food Editor, who hosts an event inspired by fresh, local ingredients and the pleasure of cooking seasonal dishes. The day then turns to ‘Flavors of L.A.’ where Jonathan Gold, The Times’ Restaurant Critic, hosts a day full of authentic dishes from around the world – via Los Angeles’ best restaurants. Sunday brings the ‘Labor Day Block Party’ where Noelle Carter, The Times’ Test Kitchen Director, will host a holiday get-together designed to focus on one of summer’s favorite family pastimes – barbecue. Finally, the weekend festivities come to an end at ‘Cocktail Confidential’ where Jessica Gelt, The Times’ Food & Night Life Writer and Betty Hallock, The Times’ Deputy Food Editor host an evening dedicated to the culinary creations and libations that typify cocktail culture.

The Taste takes place in Los Angeles at the Paramount Pictures Studios. Learn more and purchase tickets at