Workplace Solutions in 6 locations

Workplace Solutions in 6 locations near Sunset Gower Studios, CA

Sunset Gower Studios
provides many entertainment industry professionals a quiet place to live. These creatives also want a separate place to work where their creative ideas flow and flourish. They look for workplace solutions that meet their needs spatially and financially.

is the type of location that takes into account your busy lifestyle. We know that you’re trying to achieve the perfect work/life balance. That’s why we go to great lengths to make sure that we can help you with your professional goals. HPC makes things happen for you and your creative projects.

There are many locations for you to choose from today that fulfill your needs for a quiet and productive workspace. Each is set in a beautiful location and comes fully furnished for you to enjoy. The list of amenities is exceptional, too, including round-the-clock security and 24-hour access to the suite you lease. You’ll find your place at HollywoodPC!

Entertainment industry pros love our locations because of all the value they bring to them. If you want to have the option to move in the same day you sign your lease, consider speaking to us about your options. We have many layouts for you to choose from, so you’re always comfortable in the space you’re working in today. Let us know what needs you have so we can make sure to accommodate them accordingly.

HPC locations
are available for leasing purposes today. Contact us to take a free tour of any of our six workplace buildings. Hollywood Production Center is the place to lease when you want a quiet and accommodating location to write, film, and edit. Check out our flexible leasing options right away.