We had the opportunity to catch up with Christopher Montgomery of Prodigy Talent from our Hollywood Production Center location…
Chris Montgomery is the Managing Member at Prodigy Talent. Prodigy Talent is a full service talent agency representing actors in television, film and commercials. They additionally represent producers and financers for independent feature films. Chris has been extremely proud of his clients’ work this year, with them appearing in several Super Bowl commercials, HBO’s True Blood and more.
Tell us about yourself.
I was raised in the metro area of Denver, Colorado. I graduated from the University of Colorado with a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and then did my graduate work there, as well getting my JD (law degree) from there as well.
How did you get started in the entertainment industry?
After having several years in the political arena serving in the US House, the US Senate, a Governor and in the White House I was given a great chance to work with my best friend open a production company in Las Vegas, Nevada. Soon, I found myself missing campaigning. And, talent representation is the campaign that never ends. Where they say “DC is Hollywood for Ugly People” (my previous career) I figured working in real Hollywood would be more for me. Plus, this is the campaign that never ends!
What is Prodigy Talent?
We are a full service talent agency representing actors in television, film and commercials. Additionally we represent producers and financers for independent feature films.
When did Prodigy Talent come about?
After owning Prodigy Pictures for a while in Las Vegas, I found myself missing the campaign trail. But, I knew returning to politics was just not for me. Working with great and talented people in the field of representation allowed me to work in a campaign that never ended!
Are there any cool projects your clients have starred in recently?
This year we have had a lot of actors in commercials for the Super Bowl, we had actors on True Blood, on a variety of television shows and in major advertiser spots. This has been a great year for us. We have been truly blessed in 2014.
What’s your favorite part about your job?
Building a strong solid relationship with my actors and seeing them grow, seeing them go from a struggling actor to a booking and working actor.
You have accomplished so much in your career, what makes you so driven to succeed?
For me, I think it was just always instinctual. I have always been driven. We built a production studio, and released a film, during the Great Recession. We opened the agency just as the economic recovery began. Succeeding became the only choice during the recession!
If there is one person to thank for your success who would it be and why?
I have to say that there are two (2). First of all, my dad has been incredibly helpful to this endeavor. I am very grateful to him. Secondly, to my late Grandmother who just passed. She was a major influence to this.
What’s in the future for Prodigy Talent?
We are continuing to focus on our core beliefs. We fundamentally believe that we can all do more together than we can apart. The film making process is synergetic, it is a mutual aid society. It takes so many of us working to a common goal to succeed. We want to continue to focus on our actors, our producers, and our team to keep doing what we do well. We have been so blessed this year, we want to stay on that path of gratitude and never forgetting why we are all here.
When did Prodigy Talent move to Hollywood Production Center?
We first moved into HPC2 in 2012. We came here at the suggestion of one of the producers we represent. We found it to be the perfect home for us because there is so much of a community here. From production to casting. Agents cannot be based “on lot” but here we have the feeling we are. To know that some great TV shows, movies and projects are just down the hall, or on another floor really gives us such an advantage and gives us such a sense of community I cannot honestly think of us being anywhere else.
Thanks for taking the time out of your busy day to interview with us, Chris!