In case you lived under a rock this summer, Syfy released a made-for-television movie called Sharknado in early July. While it was unanimously agreed upon that the movie was the furthest from an Oscar nomination, it completely took Twitter by storm. Social Media has a new place in our lives when the worst movie to be released this summer was the most talked about in social media. With just under 1.4 million viewers on its premiere, Sharknado was a hit on Twitter with just under half a million tweets with the hashtag ‘#Sharknado.’ With 5,000 tweets per minute at its peak, word spread fast about Sharknado, and those who didn’t know about the film were soon tuning in to see what all the commotion was about.
Horrible Movie Night has embraced this shark tornado that hits Los Angeles, and will be showing it at a DVD release party at the NerdMelt Showroom in Hollywood on Saturday, September 14. Guest comedians will be the hosts for the night, and attendees will be visited by the cast and crew of Sharknado to answer all of your burning questions.
Horrible Movie Night screens the worst films made and invites the attendees to Roast them. Those with the best one-liners will even win prizes! Tickets are on sale online for $8, or are available at the door for $10. Please visit the website to learn more: https://nerdmeltla.com/tickets2/index.php?event_id=603.