Furnished Office Space


If your company needs additional office space Los Angeles/Glendale, California is the place to grow your business. Furnished office space is available in a multitude of floor plans that will accommodate your business today and beyond. As your company grows so can your office space without ever having to leave the building.

Imagine the advantages of leasing turn key office space in a highly populated area! Anything your company would need to operate is available at other nearby businesses within minutes of your luxurious office suite. Plus the added benefits of having your company located on popular North Gower Street is that your office will be near other companies needing your services.

Should you choose to lease any office space many amenities await you such as secure parking, valet service, a private kitchen, plug in ready internet, janitorial service, surveillance, an executive office, a car wash, plus a private entrance. Ample lighting, a fully furnished conference room, large offices, and attractive, sturdy office decor are standard features your company will appreciate.

An added benefit for your company is the buildings general reception area. The general reception area is available right inside the front door to act as a buffer between your company and time wasting vendors that you do not have time for on a busy day. This gives you a chance to schedule outside companies and vendors around your busy schedule without the hassle of uninvited interruptions.

Hollywood Production Center offers same day move in on any of its office floor plans. Simply sign the contract, bring your computer, employee’s, and paperwork and your business is up and running in its new location. The time you save over having to purchase furnishings, find new office space in a prime location and moving your existing furnishings can now be spent making a larger profit for your business.

Filming can begin almost immediately after your company moves in. No more waiting on permits, delays, and other costly frustrations. Hollywood Production specializes in offering fast, easy ways to get your filming started. If you need help with set design, writing or post production, don’t worry. Hollywood Production Center is there to assist you every step of the way.

Their production offices will be the easiest, fastest way toward getting your business goals accomplished. With all the services and benefits already in place, your company can thrive with little investment of your precious time.

Speak to Sally, our AI agent!