Furnished Office Space


The Hollywood Production Center (HPC) is a large-scale facility where many entertainment employees lease apartments, as well as have the opportunity to rent a Furnished Office Space to do their administrative paperwork or meet with clients.

At HPC we offer you additionally a place to live so they can live, work and play all in the same area, making it very convenient. Whether they are the film producer or one of the crew, they can all choose from the fantastic apartments with unheard of great amenities like security 24hours a day, cafes to grab a snack, gyms, valet parking, and turnkey move-in the same day you sign the lease.

If you are filming in the area of Silver Lake CA having an executive office, as well as a home here, gives you more time to relax and not be stressed out due to traffic or other stress from daily problems that commuters must face.

If you are interested in getting a tour to look over the apartments and working spaces available to lease at the facility, it’s easy to set one up. All you have to do is go to our website at and ask for an appointment. The officials there are eager to help potential leasers to get a good impression of all of the available services to their clients.

You will be able to see all of the things like the executive office property available, as well as see where you can use places like rooftops or patios or other spaces to film your latest blockbuster picture, then go to your Furnished Office Space to make changes to the script or write out contracts for your actors and crew.

Our huge complex is set up to help their clients with all of the necessary permits and paperwork needed to film in the area, as well as ensuring your guests get a great parking space and are protected by the 24 hour security teams. Both short and long rental agreements are possible for anyone renting apartments, working spaces or offices. Once you have signed a lease, you are ready to pick up a key and get to work or start enjoying one of the many onsite amenities. This is above all one of the very premiere places to work, live and play. It gives renters the best of the best of everything from a place to live to a place to work all in the same facility.

So, if all this meets your needs, be sure to get a meeting with us today. Just go to and fill out the available form.