Executive Office Suite to Work In Style

Executive Office Suite to Work In Style Near Glassell Park, CA

Great filming locations can be found all over suburban Los Angeles and that includes a northeastern Los Angeles town known as Glassell Park CA. But it isn’t just film sites themselves that are key to making a quality movie or TV show; you also need the space from which to work and generate new ideas. That’s why we’ve built office facilities that give you a place to work in style and with the support of high-quality advanced IT infrastructure. Our Hollywood Production Center studios are used by many well-known entertainment company executives and have been the sites of several famous movie and TV show filming jobs.

Our offices at Hollywood PC are furnished with desks, comfy chairs and shelf spaces while also designed with a nice modern appeal. You can also have access to a balcony, private kitchen and even a private entrance along with 24/7 building access if you signup to rent an executive office suite from us. Our facilities often have networking events taking place throughout the year which are great chances to pick up new clients or possibly assemble needed crew members for an upcoming film. You can even host your own event if you go through our administrative office and reserve the space ahead of time.

While our HPC studios do have high reviews of our clients, we still want you to see what our offices are like by taking our free tour. The tour will run you through each part of our facility such as the sound stage and recording rooms, the gym area and we’ll let you see up close the office space you want. Once you’ve decided which one is right for you, we can get the move-in ready even if it’s for the same day. But you don’t want to wait until your office is taken, so give us a call at 888-257-7492 to get started, or visit us at