Office Space Nationwide


Irvine is a blossoming city located in Southern California. The city lies within the territory of Orange County. CNN Money named it the 4th based on its schools, jobs and housing. The wonderful community has plentiful green parks that welcome the nearby neighborhoods to enjoy the great outdoors. The city’s culture has expanded as of recently, and the Global Village Festival caters to just that diversity found in the city. The festival consists of exhibits from local merchants, cultural entertainment and a sampling of foods from various regions of the world. These events and outdoor activities is what have kept this city bustling with life.

In addition, the city has a lot to offer in terms of the business world. They consider their main industries to consist of technology and semiconductors, but they really are diverse even beyond that. Companies such as In N Out, Ruby’s Diner, O’Neill, Masimo and Gateway have their headquarters in this city. Their span even goes abroad, housing various international firms such as Asics, Samsung and Kia Motors. Business is booming in this area, and the number of companies housed here only continues to grow.

The city’s business also includes projects from the entertainment industry. They have become a location for various filming purposes because of its proximity to Los Angeles and the ease of access to permits for production companies. A few big name movies that have filmed at least partially in this city are Zero Dark Thirty, The Hangover Part III, Transformers and Ocean’s Eleven. The ability for studios to send out their filming teams has made the process easier to all parties, and those working on the project like being able to work out of a local production office space. A Hollywood office space is still a great option, but doubling up in this city as well makes for less time spent commuting. While that Glendale office space can be used for all pre and post-production work, a filming location such as this one is perfect.

This city has expanded greatly, and caters well to the entertainment community who want to be efficient, but stay local. This city’s production office space offerings are generous and will satisfy many, if not all, of your needs. A business can only be as successful as its surrounding, and delving into this area of Southern California can only be beneficial to your company and your project.