Glendale — Glendale invites you to enjoy a night under the stars! The City of Glendale Community Services & Parks Department is hosting a special event on August 10th to view the Perseid Meteor Shower. The shower is a yearly occurrence in the summer months, typically starting in mid-July and reaching its peak in early to mid-August. The Community Services & Parks Department’s program will start at 9PM at the Deukmejian Wilderness Park’s Amphitheater with a slide presentation by the Burbank Sidewalk Astronomers, which will cover meteors, asteroids, comets and other space matter that falls from the sky. Shortly following this presentation, the Burbank Sidewalk Astronomers invite you to use their telescopes to enjoy the sights of a warm, summer night. This is sure to be a fun filled informational night that offers a chance to see the once-a-year spectacle that is the Perseid Meteor Shower.
The Perseid Meteor Shower is considered one of the most beloved meteor showers of the year, as the Northern Hemisphere enjoys Mother Nature’s summer wonder. The Perseids are best seen as we near mid-August and are best appreciated between midnight and dawn. While the meteor shower radiates from a point in the constellation Perseus the Hero, the shower appears in all parts of the sky. Sightings of meteors are typically 50 meteors per hour.
The Community Services & Parks Department will be providing astronomy themed drinks and snacks. The hosted event will end at 11pm. It is recommended that you bring a lawn chair or blanket for comfort. The Deukmejian Wilderness Park is located at 3429 Markridge Rd., Glendale, CA 91214. Visit the City of Glendale’s website at www.ci.glendale.ca.us to learn more and reserve a spot. Mark your calendars, this is an event you won’t want to miss!