Downtown Glendale — Glendale’s annual Cruise Night is back for its 20th year! Southern California’s most popular car show will take place on Saturday, July 20th from 5:30pm to 10:30pm. Visitors from all over will flood into Downtown Glendale to see over 400 classic pre-1979 cars, and learn more about how the owners maintain their classic car’s performance and efficiency. In addition to viewing beautiful cars, there will also be activities for children, making this a fun night the entire family can enjoy! The event is completely free to attend. The 2013 Cruise Night musical headliners will be The Tokens and The Surfaris, who are celebrating the 50th anniversary of their chart-topping song “Wipe Out.”
The event is expected to bring in over 50,000 people to Brand Blvd. based on past years’ turnouts. The Glendale Cruise night previously depended on the city’s Redevelopment Agency to provide funds for the event, but since its elimination, the event has had to cut back on its budget. This will be the second year since its extreme budget cuts, but they are not worried because the 2012 event continued on without a hitch, and they are expecting the same for this year.
While this is a great opportunity for car enthusiasts to check out what cool cars are in the area, it is also a great way to get people to Downtown Glendale to check out the fantastic shops and dining in the area. This day is projected as the largest one day sales generator of the year.
To learn more about this exciting event, visit their website at www.glendalecruisenight.com.