We had the opportunity to catch up with Chip Mosher of comiXology from our Hollywood Production Center location…
Chip Mosher is the VP of Communications and Market at comiXology. ComiXology is a revolutionary digital comics platform that lets customers around the world buy and read comics, graphic novels and manga in their Guided View reading technology. They feature over 50,000 titles available from more than 75 publishers.
Hi Chip, tell us about yourself.
I’m an ex-patriot Texan living in exile in California.
Describe the industry you’re in.
I work in the comic book industry.
How did you first get your start in this industry?
Comic books have been a life long passion and have been working in the industry off and on since I was a teenager.
How long have you been with comiXology and what is your title?
At comiXology I am the VP of Communications and Market. I’ve been with the company for three years – two of which have been as part of the HPC Broadway family.
What does comiXology do, and how did it get established?
ComiXology is a revolutionary digital comics platform that let’s customers around the world buy and read comics, graphic novels and manga in our Guided View reading technology. We have over 50,000 titles available from more than 75 publishers.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
Making people happy by selling them comics they love!
What do you see in the future for comic books?
The comic market in the U.S. has been artificially constrained because of distribution problems. There was never a Tower Records for print comics. So the industry has grown both print and digital as digital has raised the visibility of the medium. Comics is a 870 million dollar industry in the U.S. but it can be way bigger than that now that the distribution issue is solved.
What’s your favorite comic book?
The Walking Dead.. .of course!
When did comiXology move to Hollywood Production Center?
Twenty-five months ago Gina gave me a tour of HPC. She and Tina have lived to regret that day ever since. Seriously, I love it over here at HPC and am very happy with my office. It’s a joy to come to work everyday.
Thanks for taking the time out of your busy day to interview with us, Chip!