Movie & TV Locations

Movie & TV Locations near Garden Grove CA

Are you a film director or movie producer or other member of the Entertainment Industry? Looking for a production space or filming location near Garden Grove? The first step to getting the perfect workspace or location is to contact a reputable rental office company. You don’t want to waste valuable time contacting multiple rental agents, trying to find a suitable workspace. Avoid the hassles and time-consuming tasks and let us find you the most suitable office or production space.

Hollywood Production Center has provided office rental solutions for many years and we are well versed in meeting the needs of clients. Our clients include producers, directors, production companies, artists, creative teams, designers, Entertainment Industry lawyers, entrepreneurs and corporate personnel. We have a wide variety of offices for rent, production spaces, post-production workspaces, and executive suites. With the vast range of short-term and long-term spaces we provide, along with the excellent amenities and features, you’re sure to find exactly what you need.

Enjoy a clean and neat facility for a comfortable, professional atmosphere. HPC innovative executive suites and well-equipped production space offer many amenities and services including professional staff, advanced telephone systems, multi-media conference and meeting rooms, high speed internet access, Pool Area Filming, cutting-edge technology and much more. We also provide utilities, cleaning and maintenance services.

Additional features include directory listings, large lounge areas, a fully stocked kitchen, refreshments for you and your guests, and access to support and administrative staff services. Nearby financial institutions, a variety of shops, galleries, and restaurants are also available.

Get a superb business address in a prestigious business district. Our location near Garden Grove CA provides stunning accommodation on HPC eye-catching piece of architecture. This professional office complex has easy access to major roads and provides a stylish venue your business.

Our all-inclusive, lavishly-furnished high rise offers the perfect Live, Work, and Play solution for those who desire an all-in-one spot. You can rent a luxury condo or apartment for your living, as well as an elegant executive suite for your business.

We pride ourselves on being the most knowledgeable, reputable, quality-driven office rental company in our field. Professionalism, timely communication, and paying close attention to detail are all traits that each of our staff members possesses. We offer the most affordable prices while providing the best quality amenities and services. Check out our website today and get in touch with us right away for a free tour of our Movie & TV Locations.