Best Hollywood Filming Locations

Best Hollywood Filming Locations near Glendale, CA

Your search for the best Hollywood filming locations is now over. Hollywood Production Center offers production companies fantastic filming options at all five of their locations. Our properties are conveniently located in Hollywood and Glendale. We also have a large sound stage available for larger productions.

HollywoodPC has several unique filming opportunities available at each of its properties. We offer business settings such as executive offices, a large lobby area with revolving doors, and conference rooms. We have more personal areas such as a penthouse or private executive apartment, and we have an amazing rooftop area.

The rooftops at HPC has a large pool and deck area, a bar and lounge area, and a fitness center and spa area. We also have a helipad for filming or private use of our clients. What is perhaps most amazing about our rooftop areas is that you will have the am=bility to film some of the most breathtaking views of downtown Los Angeles from each of our properties.

In addition to all of these fabulous filming opportunities, Hollywood Production Center also offers production & post-production office space for lease. All of our offices are fully furnished and include phone, electric and high-speed Internet service as part of the lease. Our leasing terms are very flexible, and you will be pleased with the multitude of amenities that come with leasing at one of our properties.

When you need the perfect filming locations in Glendale, look no further than Hollywood Production Center. Each of our five locations offers prime filming areas and executive-style office space for lease. Tour one or all of our properties today to discover what we can offer your production company. We know you will love what you see.